Prepare delicious dumplings with cherries - video recipes at home

Dumplings with cherries have a very pleasant sweet-sour taste. Their preparation will not take more than two hours.

Dumplings with cherry yogurt in a double boiler to


3 cups flour

1 cup of yogurt

2 chicken eggs

1 h. Teaspoon salt

1 tbsp. sugar spoon

2 hours. Spoons dry yeast

For the filling

400 g of cherries

sugar to taste

How to cook the dumplings with a cherry on kefir:

  1. Preheat the yogurt in a microwave oven or a water bath. Add the salt and sugar, mix well all.
  2. Then the hammer in yogurt egg. The resulting mixture was beat special rim. There also lay out the yeast and gradually pour the flour.
  3. Then knead the dough. It should have enough soft and elastic. Cover the dough with a towel or a special film and put in a warm place.
  4. It is necessary to wait until it is suitable. This typically requires 40 to 60 minutes.
  5. After the test preparation thoroughly wash cherries and remove them from the bones. Then pour the berries with sugar and leave for a while, so they released juice.
  6. The table will need to generously sprinkle with flour. Then accurately separate the small part of the dough and roll out into a thin layer using a rolling pin.
  7. Take a glass with thin edges and cut out the circles in the dough. Stretch a little each circle and begin to spread the filling.
  8. Cherries, pitted sprinkle with a little sugar. The edges of the dough gently seal it. As a result of the shape you need to get dumplings.
  9. zaschipyvaem edges of the dough should be very good to cherry juice does not flow from the ready dumplings. After that you should cover them with a cloth or towel or a clean cloth and let stand for about a quarter of an hour.
  10. In a double boiler, pour enough water. Dumplings neatly on the steamer containers at a great distance from each other. Otherwise, during cooking, they may stick together, as will greatly increase in size.
  11. Dumplings with a cherry on a couple prepare only 15-20 minutes. Serve them to be with honey or with sour cream, and you can just sprinkle sugar dumplings.

Dumplings with cherries in a pan

In lieu of buttermilk batter is added to sour cream and dumplings themselves cooked in a saucepan. It is true then they that are less light and airy.


3 cups flour

1 cup sour cream

2 chicken eggs

1 h. Teaspoon salt

1 tbsp. sugar spoon

2 hours. Spoons dry yeast

For the filling:

400 g of cherries

sugar to taste

How to cook dumplings with cherries in a pan:

  1. Mix sour cream, salt and sugar, egg, mix well all. The resulting mixture was beat special rim.
  2. There also lay out the yeast and gradually pour the flour. Then knead the dough. It should have enough soft and elastic.
  3. Cover the dough with a towel or a special film and put in a warm place. You must wait until it is suitable. This typically requires 40 to 60 minutes.
  4. After the test preparation thoroughly wash and remove the cherry pits from them. Then pour the berries with sugar and leave for a while, so they released juice.
  5. The table will need to generously sprinkle with flour. Then accurately separate the small part of the dough and roll out into a thin layer using a rolling pin.
  6. Take a glass with thin edges and cut out the circles in the dough. Stretch a little each circle and begin to spread the filling.
  7. Cherries, pitted sprinkle with a little sugar. The edges of the dough gently seal it. As a result of the shape you need to get dumplings.
  8. should be very well zaschipyvaem edges of the dough to the cherry juice does not flow from the ready dumplings. After that you should cover them with a cloth or towel or a clean cloth and let stand for about a quarter of an hour.
  9. The water in the pan must be brought to a boil and add salt to taste. Then, in a bowl, you can gradually lower the dumplings and wait until they start to pop up.
  10. to catch dumplings with cherries should be using a slotted spoon. After the first portion can be loaded into the pot a new batch of dumplings.
  11. It is possible to supplement the original sauce tasty dish. To take this juice, which remained from cherries Boil it and add 2 hours. The starch spoon diluted 3 tbsp. spoons cold boiled water. Once again bring the mixture to reflux. The result should be a thick cherry sauce, which you can safely apply to the dumplings.