This summer okroshka with kefir - video recipes at home

This summer okroshka with kefir - video recipes at home
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This summer okroshka with kefir - video recipes at home

In the hot summer days is useful to introduce the menu light meals. As one of those perfect cold soup, quenching thirst and hunger - okroshka on kefir. He is low-calorie, so you can eat it without fear of the emergence of excess weight. In addition to the advantages of hash worth carrying speed of preparation, as well as the availability of products.

Okroshka a reason many people associate it with the summer, because it is the hottest time of year, you want something easy and cool. This soup is precisely such a dish. In addition, most of the products included in the recipe, refer to the year (eg, radishes and greens).

Cold summer soups. Watch the video! ..

okroshka on kefir

This summer okroshka with kefir - video recipes at home


It should be:

5 medium-sized potato tubers;

150 g of cooked sausages (qualitative);

4 pcs medium cucumbers;

4 pcs medium radishes;

3 chicken eggs;

50 grams of green onions;

500-700 grams of yogurt;

500-700 g of mineral water;

fresh herbs;


The main summer soup: hash

Young crunchy cucumbers, juicy

radishes, fresh herbs and sour mandatory - it's all she hash.

Natalie Lissy

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How to prepare:

  1. Kefir pre-cool and pour into any container. Then dilute it with mineral water, so it was not too thick, and mix.
  2. Eggs and potatoes boiled in advance is desirable. Eggs should be hard boiled, it will have to boil them for about 10 minutes. Boil the potatoes in their skins until tender. When it has cooled, cut it into cubes, how to prepare a salad.
  3. After the egg is cooked, fill them with cold water and allow a few minutes to lie down in it. Because of this they cool down faster and will be better cleaned.
  4. Eggs also dice, but a little bigger than a potato. Chop into cubes the same sausage.
  5. Cucumbers, radishes and greens cut slightly smaller.
  6. Onions can cut it as you like.
  7. All the ingredients mix well, then add salt.
  8. The resulting mixture was put in a refrigerator for several hours.
  9. Taking mixture, spread it on the portioned plates and fill with a mixture of yogurt and mineral water.
  10. okroshka on kefir will be even tastier if it is to decorate the top of greens.

okroshka on kefir with egg yolks, whipped with oil


Although this does not sound very appetizing, but the dish you end up with a delicious and unusual. On his cooking you will need about 40 minutes.

It should be (4 servings):

0, 5 liters fatty kefir;

3-4 cloves of fresh garlic;

2 raw egg yolks;

1 piece fresh cucumber; 2 parsley;

1 fennel beam;

4 tbsp. spoons of ground hazelnuts;

1-2 tbsp. tablespoons fresh lemon juice;

2 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil;

1 tbsp. Spoon melted butter;

ground black pepper and salt - to your taste.

How to prepare:

  1. Clean the garlic cloves, cut them, and then mash into mush. Then add a small amount of salt.
  2. Rinse the dill and parsley, finely chop them.
  3. Carefully wash the cucumber, cut it in half, remove seeds with a spoon and chop the flesh into small cubes.
  4. Next, add the yogurt whipped into foam ingredients - vegetable oil and butter, and egg yolks. There also put the pulp of garlic, cucumber cubes, chopped parsley and dill, ground nuts. Then, hodgepodge season with lemon juice, salt and pepper.
  5. Before serving summer soup in the refrigerator or add some ice cubes hodgepodge. The finished dish garnish with sprigs of dill.