Hash - delicious cold light summer soup recipe is a classic, turn-based

Hash - it derived from the word crumble and is considered as a traditional dish of Russian and Ukrainian cuisine. It is believed that it first appeared as the commoners dish. Burlakov fed dried fish and kvass. A t. K. Roach was dry and firm, it crumbled and poured kvass. And just in time to chowder was better fed, began to add the potatoes, turnips, cucumbers, onions ... As time went on and the product composition has changed, and in 1861 came the first, hash recipe that is now called a classic cookbook Helena Molokhovets.

Hash - delicious cold light summer soup recipe is a classic, turn-based

How to cook hodgepodge

tasty, nutritious and refreshing

Preparation of a cold summer soup begins with the fact that you need to boil, cool and clean the potatoes and eggs.

Clean the green onions. Wash and dry the onion and green dill.

Preparatory works are over - now the technology of preparation hash:

Cucumbers, radishes, egg proteins, potatoes, boiled meat (possible without meat, and sausage) and green onion cut into small cubes, for salad and set aside in the refrigerator.

Now we will prepare the filling for the hash.

Egg yolks, mustard and chopped dill carefully grind in a bowl until smooth. Well, almost smooth. Small portions introduce brew. You can buy it, and you can prepare home brew. Number of kvass depends on how thick or liquid okroshka you want. Salt and pepper to taste. Mix the chopped salad with dressing recommend just before serving. All delicious hash prescription "Classic" - ready! Bon Appetit!

WARNING: if the delicious, cold summer soup do you want to save until the next meal, we advise you to store the chopped part separately from the filling.

What you need to hash:

cucumber - 1 piece, eggs -. 3 pieces, potatoes - 3 pcs., chicken breast (can be replaced with boiled beef, tongue, or simply on the cooked sausage, but you can just by a little bit.) - 500 gr, radishes. - 3 pieces, a bunch of green onions, bunch of dill, mustard -. 1, Art. spoon, salt, black pepper, kvass - to taste.

I would like to invite you to look if you have time, on EdaHDTelevision channel - a very original recipe hash they offer in his video recipe. Here you will learn whether the hash with horseradish happens. Yes ... women are not recommended to watch ... and maybe vice versa ... In a word, decide for yourself. ????