Hash radish - how to cook a delicious okroshka on kvass with radish, a step by step recipe photos

Everyone knows that the black radish is very useful, but its pungent flavor many scares. And housewives use white radish or green instead of black root crops varieties. And in vain, because the black varieties give our body more good. What to cook from a radish? There are many options! In our family, young and old, love okroshka. To further enrich this dish with vitamins, I add to it a radish. At the same time, sharp taste softened root with kvass, and the taste of cold soup becomes unusually spicy and a little sharp. Well, very tasty. Who has not tried it, I advise you to do. Tasty hash of black radish with kvass prepared quickly, simply follow the detailed step by step recipe to make a photo.

Before describing the preparation, filling the full list of required products:

  • radish black - 1 large or 2 medium-sized root (500 - 550 grams);
  • boiled potatoes - 550 grams;
  • green onion - 50 grams;
  • cucumber - 200 - 250 grams;
  • boiled sausage - 200 - 250 grams;
  • a boiled chicken egg - 3 pieces;
  • kvass.

How to prepare okroshka on kvass with black radish

Before making this delicious cold soup, you need to prepare vegetables.

Boil the potatoes in any way you like. This can be done in a couple of multivarka or water in a saucepan.

Hash radish - how to cook a delicious okroshka on kvass with radish, a step by step recipe photos

Eggs boil hard boiled.

I used a large radish. If the vegetables you are small, you can use 2 root.

Hash radish - how to cook a delicious okroshka on kvass with radish, a step by step recipe photos

The roots thoroughly washed and brushed proskrebaem. Knife to peel, trying to make the cut as thin as possible. To grind radish I use a meat grinder. To pass freely into the vegetable myasopriemnik, it is cut into pieces of suitable size.

Hash radish - how to cook a delicious okroshka on kvass with radish, a step by step recipe photos

I wish to warn at once, the smell of radish specific enough, especially if you go in the room with fresh air. The severity radish evaporates upon exposure to oxygen, so cutting as soon as possible need to define a sealed container. I twist it right into a plastic container.

Hash radish - how to cook a delicious okroshka on kvass with radish, a step by step recipe photos

When all the preparatory work is done, we start to make hodgepodge of radish with kvass.

Potatoes cut into with a knife or vegetable slicers neat neat cubes or cubes.

Hash radish - how to cook a delicious okroshka on kvass with radish, a step by step recipe photos

Gherkin shred and dice. If you peel hard and dense, it is better to cut.

Hash radish - how to cook a delicious okroshka on kvass with radish, a step by step recipe photos

sausage, you can choose to your taste. The main thing that it was cooked and tasty. We grind it into pieces, the size of which corresponds to the vegetable slicing.

Hash radish - how to cook a delicious okroshka on kvass with radish, a step by step recipe photos

Boiled eggs, 3 pieces, cut into large cubes. It is very convenient in this case to use vegetable slicers, or special tools for cutting eggs.

Hash radish - how to cook a delicious okroshka on kvass with radish, a step by step recipe photos

The final stage - green onions. Crumble it with a knife or scissors, small rings.

Hash radish - how to cook a delicious okroshka on kvass with radish, a step by step recipe photos

Mix all ingredients. In the bowl of radishes are added. It is stored separately in the container.

Hash radish - how to cook a delicious okroshka on kvass with radish, a step by step recipe photos

In the a la carte dish 2 impose portion okroshechnoy base and 1 part chopped radish.

Hash radish - how to cook a delicious okroshka on kvass with radish, a step by step recipe photos

Fill the contents of kvas, add salt, mayonnaise can be a home, dining room and mustard to taste.

Hash radish - how to cook a delicious okroshka on kvass with radish, a step by step recipe photos

I can assure you that the hash of the black radish is very tasty! If you never added to okroshka radish, be sure to try it. You will not regret! A classic recipe with hash you can find here.

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