Home brew: recipes that can be trusted - video recipes at home

Home brew: recipes that can be trusted - video recipes at home
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Home brew: recipes that can be trusted - video recipes at home

What should you do when it's 31 ° C and escape the heat

it is impossible? Right. Drink delicious cold kvass. And where

it take? Of course, prepare yourself!

We met with the famous chefs of Moscow Kirill Zebrinym and Victor Apasevym and found out the best recipes of kvass home.

Kvass cranberry from Cyril Zebrina

Home brew: recipes that can be trusted - video recipes at home

An extraordinary brew with spicy cranberry note. Repeatedly proven recipe. This is delicious.

Recipe Cranberry KVASS

It is necessary: ​​ 3 liters of cranberry juice

60-80 g dry bread black (recommended Darnitsky)

lemon zest

6 g "living" yeast

240 g wort leavened

180-200 grams of sugar

raisins - to taste

How to prepare:

1. Cranberry juice heated almost to boiling. Add the dried pieces of bread. Remove from heat. Cool to 30-40 ° C. Strain. 2. Rub the yeast, stir them into the brew wort and add sugar. To stir thoroughly.

3. Leave at room temperature for a day.

4. When the brew is ready, add the raisins and lemon zest. To bottle, closed and put into the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

Kvass classic by Victor Apaseva

Classics of the genre. Lovers of flavors, from childhood friends, when there was no chemical drinks and kvass was a real kvass.


must: 3 L of water

2 tbsp. l. kvass wort

150 g of sugar

half a loaf of bread Borodino

1 tbsp. l. raisins

How to prepare:

1. dry the bread in the oven until dark brown.

2. Mix together the water, sugar and mash, add the raisins, a crust from the oven and leave for 2 days.

3. Strain and enjoy.