Barbecue chicken on the grill - delicious and succulent skewers of chicken in tomato sauce - a step by step recipe photos

With the arrival of spring warmth came the long-awaited season barbeque. What could be more delicious meat cooked on the nature? I want to share with their mistresses home recipe, how to cook a very tasty barbecue meat tender domestic broiler chicken in tomato marinade.

Barbecue chicken on the grill - delicious and succulent skewers of chicken in tomato sauce - a step by step recipe photos


• chicken broiler - 3kg;

• Onions - 300 g;

• tomato paste - 100 g;

• salt -2/3 h. L .;

• any spices (I mixture of curry and oregano.) - 1 tsp. with a slide.

How to marinate and cook skewers of chicken

Barbecue, we will use not just chicken, but only the best part - the breast, wings and Lyashko without skin. Why not? Because the skin is badly lit during frying.

And so, the first thing to do - to cut the carcass into large pieces.

Barbecue chicken on the grill - delicious and succulent skewers of chicken in tomato sauce - a step by step recipe photos

Then, with a sharp knife to remove the skin pieces. On the wings are not removed.

Barbecue chicken on the grill - delicious and succulent skewers of chicken in tomato sauce - a step by step recipe photos

Then carefully cut out the meat from the bone and slightly repel the pulp with a hammer. In this procedure does not go overboard, the meat may collapse.

Barbecue chicken on the grill - delicious and succulent skewers of chicken in tomato sauce - a step by step recipe photos

Fold beaten off the meat in a bowl and peppered him from all sides with salt and spices.

Barbecue chicken on the grill - delicious and succulent skewers of chicken in tomato sauce - a step by step recipe photos

Onions in my recipe barbecue is added only to add flavor, fry it, we will not. Bow clean, cut into half rings and well frays hands (you can with a pinch of salt).

Barbecue chicken on the grill - delicious and succulent skewers of chicken in tomato sauce - a step by step recipe photos

tomato paste diluted 200 mL of cooled boiled water and pickle prepared from tomato. In a bowl with chicken add the onion, dilute the paste and stir.

Barbecue chicken on the grill - delicious and succulent skewers of chicken in tomato sauce - a step by step recipe photos

marinated barbecue meat should be at least three hours.

Before frying, I usually obbirayu hands with meat onion and remove the remains of the tomato. Onions with tomato can just fry in a skillet.

Barbecue chicken on the grill - delicious and succulent skewers of chicken in tomato sauce - a step by step recipe photos

The meat should be laid on a special grill and fry on the grill is not more than twenty minutes.

Barbecue chicken on the grill - delicious and succulent skewers of chicken in tomato sauce - a step by step recipe photos

If you want a little popodzharistey like me in the photo, then roast for half an hour.

Barbecue chicken on the grill - delicious and succulent skewers of chicken in tomato sauce - a step by step recipe photos

Ready tender chicken barbecue chicken decompose skeet and we eat with vegetables still hot.

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