Preparation of snails at home - how to prepare snails delicious recipe with a photo

Today we will prepare, and at the same time I tell and how to prepare for the winter, an unusual product for us - or garden snails. With a little effort one day, a good hostess be able to please their home exotic for us, but common in France, dietary dishes of French cuisine, which is known as a very beautiful - escargot. Cook it no more difficult than to cook crayfish and takes just 35-40 minutes.

Grape or garden snails better to collect in late summer - early autumn. Find these super horny carriers of dietary meat can be in shady places near the ponds, orchards or vineyards. Putting them in a bucket with a lid at the rate of six snails per serving.

How to cook snails

We begin to cook with what my zhivotinok and bucket, folding back, cover with a lid so as not to run away. This procedure is repeated once a day for three to four days. At the same time, do not feed the snails. Thus, for 3-4 days snails will be cleared from the previously eaten.

Preparation of snails at home - how to prepare snails delicious recipe with a photo

After four days, finally my zhivotinok.

Preparation of snails at home - how to prepare snails delicious recipe with a photo

In the well-salted boiling water, holding the conscience of a fist, throws them. You will see a lot of foam due to secrete mucus.

Preparation of snails at home - how to prepare snails delicious recipe with a photo

We take out the snails in 5 minutes after the re-boil and wash.

Preparation of snails at home - how to prepare snails delicious recipe with a photo

tweezers take out the contents of the shell.

Preparation of snails at home - how to prepare snails delicious recipe with a photo Preparation of snails at home - how to prepare snails delicious recipe with a photo

For food only fit foot snail that and cut.

Preparation of snails at home - how to prepare snails delicious recipe with a photo

The resulting fillet snail cook with bay leaf 30 minutes in salted water.

Preparation of snails at home - how to prepare snails delicious recipe with a photo

The empty shells washed from coagulated mucus and boil for about an hour. In the water adding 2 tablespoons baking soda. While there are processes of cooking and digesting, prepare the sauce (some of this mixture is referred to as paste) from oil and herbs. At first my greens.

Preparation of snails at home - how to prepare snails delicious recipe with a photo

to cut and put in a blender.

Preparation of snails at home - how to prepare snails delicious recipe with a photo

Add the soft butter and season with salt.

Preparation of snails at home - how to prepare snails delicious recipe with a photo

Please be maximally smooth.

Preparation of snails at home - how to prepare snails delicious recipe with a photo

Getting stuff boiled and dried snail shells boiled fillet and herb butter.

Preparation of snails at home - how to prepare snails delicious recipe with a photo

In the bowl put the butter, then a piece of fillet, then the oil again. Thus we fill in all shells.

Preparation of snails at home - how to prepare snails delicious recipe with a photo

Now, to cook the snails in French, remember what the dish is called escargot, it is necessary in a preheated 150C oven to put stuffed snails, previously covering the hole with a piece of cheese shells. We keep them there until the cheese melts. Serve unusual dish will be with white bread, which can be poured the fragrant oil from the shells.

Preparation of snails at home - how to prepare snails delicious recipe with a photo

This original dish of snails you can prepare for the future or for the winter. To do this, simply add up the stuffed shells in a bowl to freeze and put in the freezer. Within a day of frozen snails can pour one bag and use at any time as needed.

Exotic, but tasty dish of snails will come in handy on any holiday table, if you want to surprise your guests.

Concluding his recipe, I want to invite you to browse YouTube video channel "Fishing in Radomyshl".