Capelin stew with onions in a frying pan - both tasty capelin cook in a frying pan, a step by step recipe photos

Capelin very tasty fish. In addition, it contains a large number of proteins that are the basis for the recovery of the body. The easiest way to cook tasty capelin - a stew it in a pan with onions. How do you learn from this recipe, which is illustrated in steps filmed during cooking photos.

How to cook capelin with onions in a pan

Before you start cooking I was bought frozen fish - 1 kg. The most important point in the preparation of tasty capelin, it is the right choice. Fish should not be peremorozhennaya, shiny and without yellowing of the abdomen. Frankly, rarely find good fish in the shops. However, this fact is very glad my cat, who gets unsuccessfully bought capelin. ????

Capelin stew with onions in a frying pan - both tasty capelin cook in a frying pan, a step by step recipe photos

After the slightly thawed fish, you will need to clean it. To do this, cut off her head, ripped open the belly, and we clean the insides. Fins cut is not necessary. Wash the carcass under cool water.

Capelin stew with onions in a frying pan - both tasty capelin cook in a frying pan, a step by step recipe photos

Now for onions. Take one big juicy onion and we shall cut its wheels.

Capelin stew with onions in a frying pan - both tasty capelin cook in a frying pan, a step by step recipe photos

The frying pan with vegetable oil smazhem and expand on it a cleaned capelin dense layer. If the fish can not fit, you can put it into 2 layers.

Capelin stew with onions in a frying pan - both tasty capelin cook in a frying pan, a step by step recipe photos

Top decompose onion rings and season with salt dish. You can, if desired, top with a bay leaf and sprinkle with black pepper.

Capelin stew with onions in a frying pan - both tasty capelin cook in a frying pan, a step by step recipe photos

Add to the pan 50 milliliters of water, and cook the fish under the lid closed for 10-15 minutes over medium heat. It is important that there is not a strong boil, covered, or capelin fall apart.

Capelin stew with onions in a frying pan - both tasty capelin cook in a frying pan, a step by step recipe photos

Ready meal laid out on a la carte dishes and decorate with stewed onions.

Capelin stew with onions in a frying pan - both tasty capelin cook in a frying pan, a step by step recipe photos

So, it is very simple, you can prepare a delicious stew with onions capelin. The only pity is that the time for cleaning of the small fish out a lot more than her cooking and eating. ????

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