Soup shourpa at home - how to cook Shurpa at home, step by step recipe photos

Shurpa or Kazakh meat - a traditional dish of the steppe nomads. It is so simple in composition and preparation technology, but it is so delicious that it has successfully served not only in the tent by the fire, but also in luxury restaurants. If you like to taste dishes from different cuisines and cultures in your kitchen, then you will definitely come in handy recipe with my step by step to make a photo.

To cook a tasty Shurpa we need meat - any, except pork, of course; onions and fresh dough. And yet! Well, even the water pan and salt and pepper.

Initially, therefore, Kazakhs and Kyrgyz cooked lamb, in fact, is a variation on the theme of traditional shurpa - favorite dishes steppe. However, the taste and smell of boiled mutton not everybody likes, so now much more likely to be found thus prepared beef, veal, horse meat. And we'll take the turkey.

Meat must necessarily be with the bones and joints, because the main thing in the dish - a strong, fragrant, rich broth.

How to cook Shurpa

First you need to cook the meat on the bone. Chopped into manageable chunks for cooking (we - turkey steaks), pour hot water, quickly bring to a boil, remove the foam, is transferred to the smallest fire and cook with gentle boil until cooked meat. It is very convenient to do it in multivarka.

Soup shourpa at home - how to cook Shurpa at home, step by step recipe photos

at the end of cooking broth should be clear and transparent, and easy to keep the meat from the bones.

Soup shourpa at home - how to cook Shurpa at home, step by step recipe photos

Ready clear broth decanted and the meat after cooling disassembled, separating the bones and cartilage tasteless.

Soup shourpa at home - how to cook Shurpa at home, step by step recipe photos

The second component of the dishes - succulent from unleavened dough. This approach and the dough for lasagna from the egg, water, salt and flour and dough for homemade noodles in the eggs, which can easily be kneaded by hand or in a bread machine. The dough should be thinly rolled and cut into large squares or diamonds. But you can use ready-made for juicy beshbarmak. Where I live, you can simply buy in the store.

Soup shourpa at home - how to cook Shurpa at home, step by step recipe photos

juicy boiled until cooked in the broth is not, as in salted water with a drop of vegetable oil.

A broth we put on a strong fire. While he begins to boil, cut into pieces a la carte meat and cut into half rings quite a lot of onions.

Soup shourpa at home - how to cook Shurpa at home, step by step recipe photos

cooked dough discard in a colander and pour over boiling water to separate them juicy.

Boiling broth salt, add a little black pepper, spread all chopped onion, quickly bring to a boil and remove from heat. Onions should not boil, but only become transparent, while maintaining the firmness and crispness. But its sharpness, sweetness and intense flavor, he manages to convey the broth.

Soup shourpa at home - how to cook Shurpa at home, step by step recipe photos

All the components of the dish is ready: boiled dough, sliced ​​meat broth with onions warmed. The only spice that we use - it is freshly ground black pepper. Still needed Shurpa on warmed plate and serve.

Soup shourpa at home - how to cook Shurpa at home, step by step recipe photos

When the individual serving on a plate, first lay out the boiled dough (in Kazakh - kespe), slide it pieces of meat, and pour the broth on top with onions (sorpa) and sprinkle with pepper. In the traditional supply of the dough is spread on a large platter, top of it - meat, and broth with onions served each guest a large piala. Dough and meat in this case decided to take his hands and drink sorpa.

Soup shourpa at home - how to cook Shurpa at home, step by step recipe photos

Shurpa, Kazakh meat or meat kespe - absolutely amazing meal with a very modest set of ingredients, but incredibly rich flavor and maddening aroma.

Soup shourpa at home - how to cook Shurpa at home, step by step recipe photos