Recipe for a delicious dessert of pumpkin - how to cook a delicious dessert of pumpkin, a step by step recipe photos

Dessert, that is a treat to wrap up the meal does not necessarily have to be sweet and high-calorie chocolate biscuit. You can do what some fruit, but you can please yourself and surprise guests with delicious, original, useful and, most importantly, low-calorie dessert of the most common pumpkin. Today, I propose a simple recipe for a delicious dessert of pumpkin and steps taken photos illustrate it.

Well, if we can find fresh pumpkin, but if not, dispense and dried. The taste of this does not get worse, however, the cooking time will increase by 15-20 minutes.

How to cook a delicious dessert of pumpkin and dried fruit

Thus, the first step in a saucepan Pour pair handful of dried pumpkin, pour boiling water (not necessarily hot), bring to a boil, and cover with a lid, and leave razmokat languish on low heat for 15 minutes.

Recipe for a delicious dessert of pumpkin - how to cook a delicious dessert of pumpkin, a step by step recipe photos

If the pumpkin is not very bright (there are varieties of pale flesh), you can put a few carrot slices for more saturated colors.

Meanwhile, we select the remaining ingredients.

Recipe for a delicious dessert of pumpkin - how to cook a delicious dessert of pumpkin, a step by step recipe photos

We need dried fruits, which should be immediately soaked in warm water, then it is easier to wash off all the dirt. Will fit practically any, except, perhaps, prunes - it is here simply by the color does not suit you. Those who do not like it when the teeth crunching small bones and hard grains, are best avoided dried figs and pears, and raisins in any case be pitted as well - put all that love is present. Prepare honey - it will not only provide additional sweetness, but also enrich our dessert, vitamins and trace elements. And fragrant oil like walnut, cedar or sesame need to get - not only for flavor, but also to digest beta-carotene and other fat-soluble vitamins.

Meanwhile, the pumpkin is already so tired, swollen, having absorbed all the water.

Recipe for a delicious dessert of pumpkin - how to cook a delicious dessert of pumpkin, a step by step recipe photos

It's time to load washed, dried, cut or whole - not much difference. If the water is low - volem a little boiling water, spice lovers can add the cinnamon stick, a few cloves of kidney or star anise, but they then have to remember to pull out. And (do not be surprised! Delicious dessert recipe from the pumpkin will not suffer ????), throw in our future sweetness pinch of salt, it is literally a few grains, to set off the rest of the flavors.

Recipe for a delicious dessert of pumpkin - how to cook a delicious dessert of pumpkin, a step by step recipe photos

Once again we bring our fruits and vegetables to a boil, we switch to a minimum, cover with lid and give then another 10-15 minutes, until softened not dried.

Recipe for a delicious dessert of pumpkin - how to cook a delicious dessert of pumpkin, a step by step recipe photos

All Dowar. Gat spices (if placed) and the blender contents sotejniki transform into a gentle sour-sweet orange puree sunlight.

Recipe for a delicious dessert of pumpkin - how to cook a delicious dessert of pumpkin, a step by step recipe photos

Let cool pumpkin and fruit weight, spoon or pastry bag spread on a plate, sprinkle with nuts and add a few drops of oil and a spoonful of honey as a sauce.

Recipe for a delicious dessert of pumpkin - how to cook a delicious dessert of pumpkin, a step by step recipe photos

A wonderful treat we have: delicate, bright and taste, and color, it is quite a dietary, just 55-60 calories per 100 grams (without counting the nuts, of course). And plenty of vitamins, minerals and fiber in the form of a bonus. This is not a chemical foreign chocolate paraffin taste! I hope that your family will get accustomed my favorite recipe for a delicious dessert of pumpkin.