Quail in the oven baked whole - how to cook the quails in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

Not many housewives know how to cook the meat of quail, whatever it was tender, juicy and tasty. I propose to review kulinarka your home recipe, which will tell you how to bake in the oven whole carcass quail marinated in honey and soy marinade with the addition of liquid smoke. Step by step recipe photos captured to become assistants housewife, first prepares quail in the oven for this recipe.


Quail in the oven baked whole - how to cook the quails in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos
  • -6 quail pieces. (Weight per bird, about 180 c);
  • salt (large) - 1 tsp .;.
  • basil - 1 bunch;
  • honey - 20 g;
  • Soy sauce - 50 ml;
  • liquid smoke - 30 ml;
  • Vegetable Oil - 20 ml.

How delicious to cook the quail in the oven

Cooking will start with the preparation of carcasses. To begin with, each carcass quail we should rub coarse salt on all sides and inside. We reserve our perepelochek for 15 minutes, so they prosolilis and proceed to the preparation of soy-honey marinade.

Quail in the oven baked whole - how to cook the quails in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

Basil we need to wash, separate the leaves from the stems and rough sharp knife tender leaves finely chopped.

Quail in the oven baked whole - how to cook the quails in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

Then, in a deep bowl mix soy sauce, honey, liquid smoke, oil and finely chopped basil. Try to thoroughly mix the marinade for quail to dissolve the honey.

Quail in the oven baked whole - how to cook the quails in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

In the resulting need to marinade every quail dip on all sides. Inside the carcass, too, try to smear the marinade well.

Quail in the oven baked whole - how to cook the quails in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

Perepelochek reserve marinated at room temperature for half an hour.

Quail in the oven baked whole - how to cook the quails in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

Next, we add our birds-nevelichek sleeve for baking and send bake in preheated oven. Bake quail we will be on a medium heat for forty minutes.

Quail in the oven baked whole - how to cook the quails in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

In the final photo shows that perepelochek rosy barrel, but the meat is not overcooked and not retain moisture. Quail turned out tender, juicy, tasty with a light aroma of smoked meats. Served roasted quails in the oven, I usually with crushed potatoes and slicing fresh vegetables.

Quail in the oven baked whole - how to cook the quails in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos
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