Chicken thigh with potatoes in the oven - how to cook a delicious chicken thighs with potatoes, a step by step recipe photos

Many housewives often have to wrestle with what dish to cook dinner for the household that was delicious, nourishing, not very expensive, and not being prepared for a long time. Offer kulinarka cook delicious chicken thighs with potatoes baked in the oven with cream sauce. Preparing this dish very quickly and it turns incredibly delicious. Step by step recipe shot to photos, let you become assistants in the preparation of dishes.


Chicken thigh with potatoes in the oven - how to cook a delicious chicken thighs with potatoes, a step by step recipe photos
  • Chicken thighs - 6 pcs .;
  • potato - 2, 5kg;
  • soy sauce - 50 ml;
  • cream (15%) - 450 ml;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs .;
  • onions - 1 pc .;
  • seasoning for meat - to your taste.

To prepare this recipe, we need to buy chicken thighs broiler chickens. Such hip unlike the meat more tender homemade chicken and bake in the oven at the same time are cooked with potatoes.

Potatoes on the contrary, try to buy such a grade that is suitable for frying and not collapse during baking.

Sour cream for cooking fill better take not fat 15 or 10 percent.

Spices in this recipe, choose to your taste, will suit any mixture of herbs that you prefer.

How to bake the chicken thighs with potatoes in the oven

So, first we need the chicken thighs with salt and sprinkle with seasoning to the meat on all sides. While we will deal preparation of potatoes, our thighs leave a little soak spices.

Chicken thigh with potatoes in the oven - how to cook a delicious chicken thighs with potatoes, a step by step recipe photos

At first potatoes to peel with the help of vegetable peelers. Purified potatoes that it does not blackened, fold in a pan of cold water.

Chicken thigh with potatoes in the oven - how to cook a delicious chicken thighs with potatoes, a step by step recipe photos

Next, let us cooking sour cream filling. In a deep bowl break the eggs and there, add salt and dried herbs.

Chicken thigh with potatoes in the oven - how to cook a delicious chicken thighs with potatoes, a step by step recipe photos

Then, the fork is shaken active ingredients.

Chicken thigh with potatoes in the oven - how to cook a delicious chicken thighs with potatoes, a step by step recipe photos

Add the soy sauce, sour cream and mix thoroughly all over.

Chicken thigh with potatoes in the oven - how to cook a delicious chicken thighs with potatoes, a step by step recipe photos

That's the sour cream filling we have.

Chicken thigh with potatoes in the oven - how to cook a delicious chicken thighs with potatoes, a step by step recipe photos

The onions are peeled and cut into half rings.

Chicken thigh with potatoes in the oven - how to cook a delicious chicken thighs with potatoes, a step by step recipe photos

At least the water is drained from the peeled potatoes and cut the potatoes into cubes rather thick.

On the baking sheet the laid foil or parchment laid potato sticks closely to each other.

Chicken thigh with potatoes in the oven - how to cook a delicious chicken thighs with potatoes, a step by step recipe photos

Then, the pan with the potatoes and sprinkle with onions.

Chicken thigh with potatoes in the oven - how to cook a delicious chicken thighs with potatoes, a step by step recipe photos

We spread on a potato chicken thighs.

Chicken thigh with potatoes in the oven - how to cook a delicious chicken thighs with potatoes, a step by step recipe photos

And before sending in the oven evenly fill the potatoes with sour cream filling thighs.

Chicken thigh with potatoes in the oven - how to cook a delicious chicken thighs with potatoes, a step by step recipe photos

Bake chicken thighs with potatoes will be in the oven over medium heat for thirty minutes. If the skin on the meat will burn, on top of thighs can be covered with pieces of foil.

Chicken thigh with potatoes in the oven - how to cook a delicious chicken thighs with potatoes, a step by step recipe photos

Prepared tender, tasty and very hearty potatoes, baked in the oven with chicken thighs, gently shift the a la carte dishes and serve consumers at lunch or dinner.

Chicken thigh with potatoes in the oven - how to cook a delicious chicken thighs with potatoes, a step by step recipe photos
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