A delicious salad with Funchoza and vegetables - how to prepare a salad Funchoza at home, step by step recipe photos

Funchoza or Chinese glass noodles, or simply "The Glass" - wonderful in its simplicity and versatility of the product. Contrary to popular belief, it does not make the rice starch and some Chinese bean called "mung".

Funchoza - the perfect side dish. It is nutritious, but not too much, is neutral in taste, but it readily absorbs the flavor of any filling, sauce or broth, to which it serves. Chinese glass noodles fill with soups, salads and side dishes do. Today we will do the most simple salad with Funchoza and vegetables, but hopefully it will be just the first step in the development of such a rich culinary possibilities of the product.

The most popular we have a dish of Chinese noodles - this Korean salad with vegetables. We need Funchoza, vegetables (cucumber, carrot, bell pepper) and ready to purchase refueling. In principle, the dressing can be done independently, there is nothing complex or hard: soy sauce, vegetable oil, pepper, vinegar, garlic, ginger, sugar, yet some condiments and spices to taste. But this we will do a second time, and now dispense a decent shopping.

How to prepare a salad with Funchoza at home

Cooking start with the main ingredient. Chinese glass noodles do not even have to cook it just pour boiling water and give a few minutes to soaked - and all!

Therefore, spread a couple of balls Funchoza in a deep bowl, kettle boiling.

A delicious salad with Funchoza and vegetables - how to prepare a salad Funchoza at home, step by step recipe photos

Fill the noodles with boiling water and leave for 3-5 minutes to be melted.

A delicious salad with Funchoza and vegetables - how to prepare a salad Funchoza at home, step by step recipe photos

Each piece of dry Funchoza - it wound up on a multimeter ball of yarn. For the convenience of eating it is desirable to shorten: each ball of right in the water cut kitchen scissors 3-4 places.

A delicious salad with Funchoza and vegetables - how to prepare a salad Funchoza at home, step by step recipe photos

soggy noodles are dropped on a sieve, pouring water. Can be washed, you can not wash out - no difference. If we want to have a hot side dish, it is best not to wash, and serve immediately, but if you are going to make a salad, then you can rinse with cold water speed. Is removed, the sieve in the direction to the residue water safely stack.

A delicious salad with Funchoza and vegetables - how to prepare a salad Funchoza at home, step by step recipe photos

Now we take for vegetables and salad will do. There is a rule: in salads, all products must be as close as possible form. That is a long, thin glass noodles dictates cutting shape - as long noodles with a knife or use the "Korean shredder."

A delicious salad with Funchoza and vegetables - how to prepare a salad Funchoza at home, step by step recipe photos

After cutting, we have turned out very beautiful and bright set: green cucumber, orange carrots, red and yellow bell pepper.

A delicious salad with Funchoza and vegetables - how to prepare a salad Funchoza at home, step by step recipe photos

salad dressing "Chim-Chim" fully ready for use, you only need a good stretch their wad in his hand, so that the contents turned out completely.

A delicious salad with Funchoza and vegetables - how to prepare a salad Funchoza at home, step by step recipe photos

To add the vegetables ready Funchoza, dressing, mix all thoroughly.

A delicious salad with Funchoza and vegetables - how to prepare a salad Funchoza at home, step by step recipe photos

That we have turned a bright, cheerful, and very fragrant delicious salad!

A delicious salad with Funchoza and vegetables - how to prepare a salad Funchoza at home, step by step recipe photos

That's just have a salad with Funchoza is early: it is necessary to give the dish a time to absorb and combine all the flavors into a single bouquet.

A delicious salad with Funchoza and vegetables - how to prepare a salad Funchoza at home, step by step recipe photos

To do this, we need to shift to prepare a salad with rice noodles in a container and place in refrigerator for at least an hour and preferably overnight.

If you do not post it in the company of so beautiful and unusual salad can be submitted baked with apples and beer chicken or chicken galantine.