Home saltisons Chicken in a package without a stomach - how to cook saltisons at home, step by step recipe photos

Kitchen devices have too many! Each new device - a new round of technology, which means - a new consistency of dishes, new tastes, new opportunities! Multivarka allows qualitatively and without much of a hassle to do useful natural home ham. But the appearance of the kit it also vetchinnitsy - it is an occasion to create a new level of ease not just something tasty and healthy, but really delicious!

Today, the brand new vetchinnitse will prepare a banquet saltisons chicken for New Year's table. Saltisons - it's such an Italian cooked sausage meat slices with a bit of meat, hot and spicy.

Vetchinnitsa looks quite uncomplicated: one tube with slots, two disk-bottoms with holes and three springs with hooks on the ends. Everything is made of food grade stainless steel, easy to assemble and disassemble, can be washed in the dishwasher. With equipment met, we proceed to the cooking.

Home saltisons Chicken in a package without a stomach - how to cook saltisons at home, step by step recipe photos

How to cook chicken in saltisons multivarka in vetchinnitse in package

Starting cook, the first thing that should sdlat is cut with chick hearts upper portion with fat and blood vessels, cut into the rest half. White and dark meat of chicken cut into pieces, about a phalanx of the index finger. Cutting chicken hearts and set aside for meat, bones and skin remove - today we do not need.

Home saltisons Chicken in a package without a stomach - how to cook saltisons at home, step by step recipe photos

Because of scraps by using a blender, processor or a meat grinder makes very small viscous stuffing - it will work a bunch.

Home saltisons Chicken in a package without a stomach - how to cook saltisons at home, step by step recipe photos

The meat and minced meat add finely chopped garlic, shredded onion, carrot, white roots, salt, spices: a mixture of pepper, coriander, nutmeg, basil, etc. After saltisons - it's pungent and spicy charcuterie, so flavors.. I do not regret.

Home saltisons Chicken in a package without a stomach - how to cook saltisons at home, step by step recipe photos

Knead stuffing, add a packet of gelatin and knead again.

Home saltisons Chicken in a package without a stomach - how to cook saltisons at home, step by step recipe photos

Then we work according to the instructions to vetchinnitse: insert the bottom. spring hooked. We put inside the sleeve for baking, the foil or a heat-resistant food package. If it is possible to attach vetchinnitsu vertically, then it will be enough. For horizontal placement of the meat will have to pack tightly, so that the juice does not flow. In this case it is better to secure the future saltisons wrapped in two packages.

Home saltisons Chicken in a package without a stomach - how to cook saltisons at home, step by step recipe photos

All is well compacted.

Home saltisons Chicken in a package without a stomach - how to cook saltisons at home, step by step recipe photos

The inner bag tying very carefully, you can simply roll up the outside.

Home saltisons Chicken in a package without a stomach - how to cook saltisons at home, step by step recipe photos

Paste the top cover vetchinnitsy. All further manipulations with fixing springs prodelyvat should be very careful not to damage the packages.

Home saltisons Chicken in a package without a stomach - how to cook saltisons at home, step by step recipe photos

Vetchinnitsa filled, assembled and ready for use.

Home saltisons Chicken in a package without a stomach - how to cook saltisons at home, step by step recipe photos

In order not to scratch the bowl Multivarki, it is better to lay her some cloth. Fill it with water so that vetchinnitsa was hidden by more than half. Now, to put out mode or soup home saltisons Chicken will prepare himself slowly for 2 hours.

Home saltisons Chicken in a package without a stomach - how to cook saltisons at home, step by step recipe photos

carefully take out hot vetchinnitsu Two hours later, set it upright on the plate and allowed to rest for at least 3 hours a cool place so that the contents of sealed packages cooled, the vapor pressure inside dropped, and the lid on springs compressed meat to the desired density. For vertical placement of such tricks are not needed: the package is not closed, the steam comes loose, the lid is lowered gradually in the process of cooking.

Home saltisons Chicken in a package without a stomach - how to cook saltisons at home, step by step recipe photos

Open the lid, shake out the contents of bags and expand. In addition to the meat plump cylinder we've got quite a few more fragrant strong Aspic (gelatinized broth). It can be added to any dish or used as a gravy.

Home saltisons Chicken in a package without a stomach - how to cook saltisons at home, step by step recipe photos

Home saltisons Chicken in multivarka and vetchinnitse was a success! Before us - a real gourmet chicken saltisons: dense, spicy, fragrant! the most simple products, labor costs - the minimum, the result - a continuous delight!