Layer cake-kraffin of pastry - how to bake a cake-kraffin low-calorie, step by step recipe photos

Easter cake can hardly be called diet foods - it's so sweet and rich that the mere thought of it cholesterol and sugar skyrockets. ???? But it turns out that it is possible to combine a favorite Easter treat and nutrition requirements. Offer to cook with me, low-calorie and low-cholesterol Easter cake-kraffin. Simple and elegant recipe with step by step photos will help you make the Taku tasty and original cakes for Easter.

The trick to a low-calorie kraffina lies in the fact that part of the state Prescription muffins (butter and sugar) are not within the test and on the outside, in the form of fillings roll. And we can reduce the amount of high-calorie ingredients, and even partially replace them with more low-calorie.

How to cook a cake-calorie kraffin

Chicken egg - one of the most cholesterol-rich foods, but in the egg powder it is practically not. From these considerations, we can replace fresh eggs egg powder. Diluted powder can be water, but it is better to take advantage of warm milk. Prescription supposed to take two eggs and one egg and two yolks.

Layer cake-kraffin of pastry - how to bake a cake-kraffin low-calorie, step by step recipe photos

To replace the two eggs plummet 30 grams of egg powder. Podogreem slightly (up to a temperature of fresh milk) 80 g of milk.

Layer cake-kraffin of pastry - how to bake a cake-kraffin low-calorie, step by step recipe photos

Milk pouring into powder slowly with constant stirring. We should get a watery paste without lumps. She needs to let it stand for 20-30 minutes for swelling.

Layer cake-kraffin of pastry - how to bake a cake-kraffin low-calorie, step by step recipe photos

This is the time we need for the dough maturation. To take the dough 20 g of fresh yeast, 110 ml of warm milk. sugar (80 grams) put on prescription is replaced by fructose, which makes it possible without any loss of flavor reduce the amount of carbohydrates in half - to 40 t.

Layer cake-kraffin of pastry - how to bake a cake-kraffin low-calorie, step by step recipe photos

Yeast rub the paste into fructose, breed milk, cover with cling film and put in a warm place for dough maturation.

Layer cake-kraffin of pastry - how to bake a cake-kraffin low-calorie, step by step recipe photos

After half an hour start kneading the dough. In addition to the swollen egg powder and the approaching sponge we need 40 grams of softened butter and 350 grams of flour. Easter cake - it is, above all, delicious flavor. To pastry was fragrant, we take a bag of vanilla, coffee spoon of ground cardamom and nutmeg. Well, a pinch of salt to balance the flavors, it we intervene in the flour.

Layer cake-kraffin of pastry - how to bake a cake-kraffin low-calorie, step by step recipe photos

If you cook the pastry going in or Kneading bread maker, spread all liquid ingredients and flavors in the cup. Pour the sifted top (a must!) Flour, salt and turn on Yeast dough mode.

Layer cake-kraffin of pastry - how to bake a cake-kraffin low-calorie, step by step recipe photos

The test is low in fat and absolutely no eggs, so even with a small amount of sugar dough quickly came and was incredibly lush.

Layer cake-kraffin of pastry - how to bake a cake-kraffin low-calorie, step by step recipe photos

If you decide to manually knead the dough, first thoroughly mix in a large bowl of liquid products, then pour the flour, constantly vymeshivaya. When the dough begins to gather into a ball, tighten the bowl with cling film and put an hour and a half in a warm place. Gently rolling the dough into cakes fit, prepare fillings - nuts and dried fruits. Take a small handful of different nuts (hazelnuts, peanuts, almonds, cashews, walnuts and so on. N.) Clean, wash, lightly fry and grind. Grind the best hand, a knife in a pinch, you can use a mortar. We need not nut flour, a noticeable and distinct small pieces with its characteristic taste and aroma.

Layer cake-kraffin of pastry - how to bake a cake-kraffin low-calorie, step by step recipe photos

Raisins are washed, dried, pour a spoon of cognac, rum or sweet wine, and give time to swell. Instead of candied citron (! Very caloric) take a natural sun-dried berries:.. Strawberries, cranberries, cherries, pitted, dried apricots, etc. If the berries or fruits sold in all directions, and not in a sealed package, they need to rinse, dry, slightly crushed, if necessary knife.

Layer cake-kraffin of pastry - how to bake a cake-kraffin low-calorie, step by step recipe photos

Coming up the dough and knead again divide into portions - the number of molds. We have four of them will be.

Layer cake-kraffin of pastry - how to bake a cake-kraffin low-calorie, step by step recipe photos

Each piece of roll out into the formation, where possible, of rectangular shape, about 5 mm thick.

Layer cake-kraffin of pastry - how to bake a cake-kraffin low-calorie, step by step recipe photos

According to the recipe, we need to take 120 grams of butter, melt it with a brush and lubricate the dough layers. But if the oil is just soften, and to lubricate use a trowel, then the oil will require a maximum of 60 grams. You can lightly sprinkle with butter or brown sugar fructose.

Layer cake-kraffin of pastry - how to bake a cake-kraffin low-calorie, step by step recipe photos

For convenience, just divide the nuts and dried fruit into pieces by the number of portions. A quarter of dried fruit evenly dispersed on the formation of the test.

Layer cake-kraffin of pastry - how to bake a cake-kraffin low-calorie, step by step recipe photos

Allocate a portion of nuts and gently wrap layer in a roll, cover it with foil, so that the dough does not dry out. We perform these operations with the rest of the dough portions.

Layer cake-kraffin of pastry - how to bake a cake-kraffin low-calorie, step by step recipe photos

When all the rolls are formed, move on to the next step. Sharp long knife cut the roll along, but not until the end of dorezaem.

Layer cake-kraffin of pastry - how to bake a cake-kraffin low-calorie, step by step recipe photos

Getting kraffin fold: first, scroll to the bottom of the molds size, and then continue to lay the dough second or third tier.

Layer cake-kraffin of pastry - how to bake a cake-kraffin low-calorie, step by step recipe photos

thus formed Easter cake-kraffin laid into the mold. Similarly forming remaining. Blanking form with cakes towel and give proofing for 30-40 minutes in a warm place. Rose products lubricates beaten egg yolk with milk and send a preheated 200 ° C oven for 30-35 minutes.

Layer cake-kraffin of pastry - how to bake a cake-kraffin low-calorie, step by step recipe photos

Ready-cakes kraffiny removed from the mold and decorate with icing and colored posypushkami, or simply crushed nuts.

Layer cake-kraffin of pastry - how to bake a cake-kraffin low-calorie, step by step recipe photos

To tell the truth, and without ornaments pastry is exceptionally spectacular, dynamic form.

Layer cake-kraffin of pastry - how to bake a cake-kraffin low-calorie, step by step recipe photos

In the context of fine visible layers and bright spots of nuts and berries.

Layer cake-kraffin of pastry - how to bake a cake-kraffin low-calorie, step by step recipe photos

The dough is light, aromatic, not cloying, and not fat. How long this Easter cake-kraffin not stale, I could not learn. They flew first, much earlier than the classic Easter baking. ????

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