Saffron cake with icing protein - how to cook a cake with icing, a step by step recipe photos

On the eve of Easter light many housewives want to bake something new. I want to suggest to do with me, delicious saffron Easter cake with candied fruit and the protein coating. Butter cake this recipe turns out to be very successful and festive cakes do not just get stale after a few days, but it becomes even more tasty. Its flavor is very rich. My steps taken photos will help you to realize this recipe in his kitchen.

For the dough will prepare a set of products:

Saffron cake with icing protein - how to cook a cake with icing, a step by step recipe photos

For the dough:

  • to 240 ml milk;
  • 2 pinches saffron (stigma);
  • 30 g compressed yeast;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour.

For the dough:

  • 200 g of butter;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 4 egg yolks;
  • 600 g flour;
  • 1 pack vanillin;
  • 2/3 h. L. salt;
  • 150 g candied

How to bake saffron Easter cake with candied fruit

Cooking start with dough. First prepare saffron milk. To do this, take a saucepan with the milk and put the heat up on the stove. After boiling, add spice to the milk, stir and boil for 1 minute. Then, remove from heat and leave the milk with saffron for 15 minutes. When the milk is cooled to 35-40 ° C, filter it through a sieve.

Saffron cake with icing protein - how to cook a cake with icing, a step by step recipe photos

Now we are preparing the brew. In bowl with warm milk crumble the yeast, add sugar and flour. Stir and leave our brew for 15 minutes under the film in a warm place.

Saffron cake with icing protein - how to cook a cake with icing, a step by step recipe photos

The soft butter oxygenates during whipping, then add the vanilla, sugar and salt. Again all mix well, add eggs and yolks.

Saffron cake with icing protein - how to cook a cake with icing, a step by step recipe photos

dough has approached this time. Combine the oil-egg mixture and brew together.

Sift the flour. Gradually spoon the flour knead the dough. When the meal is over prescription to the start of our golden hand-oiled. ???? The finished dough for cakes comes out soft and sticky.

We need more capacity. I took a plastic basin. The bottom of the tank floured, then load the dough and sprinkle it with flour. Covering with a towel, leaving the dough to heat for 2, 5 hr.

Saffron cake with icing protein - how to cook a cake with icing, a step by step recipe photos

That's what it will be after a specified time.

Saffron cake with icing protein - how to cook a cake with icing, a step by step recipe photos

Candied fruits do not require pre-treatment. Therefore, just gently intervene in their dough. Better to buy large candied fruit, they are much tastier small in the final test.

Saffron cake with icing protein - how to cook a cake with icing, a step by step recipe photos

dough with candied fruits ready - it's time to prepare baking dish. If you are using paper forms, then they do not need to be lubricated. Fill in the form dough in half volume. Proofing the dough in the form of covers 1, 5-2 hours.

Saffron cake with icing protein - how to cook a cake with icing, a step by step recipe photos

for cakes Blanks came. Now duhovochku warm up to 180-200 ° C and put on the pan 2 from the bottom shelf. After 15-20 minutes, cover with foil and continue to form the oven until cooked. This little trick will keep Easter cakes from zazharistoy unnecessarily peel. Large cakes I baked for 50 minutes, medium - for 35-40 minutes. While cooled ready saffron cakes, we will deal a protein coating.

Saffron cake with icing protein - how to cook a cake with icing, a step by step recipe photos

How to make icing for the cake protein

Saffron cake with icing protein - how to cook a cake with icing, a step by step recipe photos

To prepare the glaze for cakes, we need:

  • 1 protein;
  • 150 g of powdered sugar;
  • 1 hour. L. lemon juice.

And so, in a tall glass (by immersion blender) and pour protein start beating. Little by little, we are making powdered sugar. We should be administered lemon juice and whisk for 3 minutes more.

Finale - cover glaze cooled saffron kulichiki. Be sure to use to decorate the white hats Easter sprinkling or candied.

Saffron cake with icing protein - how to cook a cake with icing, a step by step recipe photos

After our labors saffron cakes are finally ready. We baked the air and fragrant Easter cakes. Saffron Easter cake with candied fruit from such a test turns out delicate, and most importantly - delicious. Happy Easter celebration!

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