Mushrooms mushrooms marinated in soy sauce - how to fry mushrooms on the grill, a step by step recipe photos

If you're planning a picnic, then in addition to barbecue and traditional meats, I would highly recommend to cook the most delicious marinated mushrooms fried on the grill grate on the grill. Wonderful aroma and a delicate nutty taste of mushrooms, will be left without praise picnickers. See my recipe steps decorated with photos, and make sure to cook delicious marinated mushrooms on the grill - the mushroom appetizer "smoky" - is actually very simple.


Mushrooms mushrooms marinated in soy sauce - how to fry mushrooms on the grill, a step by step recipe photos
  • mushrooms - 700 grams;
  • dried garlic - 10 g;
  • Vegetable little - 70 g;
  • soy sauce - 100 g;
  • juice of half lemon.

For the fried mushrooms on the grill to choose a medium-sized mushrooms, t. To. They are in the process of frying, lose moisture and decrease in volume and small mushrooms can fall through the grate grill.

How to cook mushrooms on the grill on the grill grilled

Preparation should begin with the fact that the mushrooms to ten minutes should be soaked in cold water and mix thoroughly by hand or using a small brush to clean out the dirt.

Mushrooms mushrooms marinated in soy sauce - how to fry mushrooms on the grill, a step by step recipe photos

How to marinate mushrooms in soy sauce

Next, prepare the marinade and soy, first, squeezing the juice of half a lemon in a large deep bowl.

Mushrooms mushrooms marinated in soy sauce - how to fry mushrooms on the grill, a step by step recipe photos

added in the future pickle vegetable oil, soy sauce and granulated dehydrated garlic. Fresh garlic, squeezed through the press, in the marinade is best not to put. In the process of cooking on the grill charred garlic and mushrooms will have an unpleasant odor.

Mushrooms mushrooms marinated in soy sauce - how to fry mushrooms on the grill, a step by step recipe photos

Marinade for mushrooms on the grill thoroughly mixed to garlic granules dissolve.

Mushrooms mushrooms marinated in soy sauce - how to fry mushrooms on the grill, a step by step recipe photos

Then, pour the prepared mushrooms flavored mixture and leave to marinate for an hour. During this time, you can mix gently several times mushrooms.

Mushrooms mushrooms marinated in soy sauce - how to fry mushrooms on the grill, a step by step recipe photos

So look well marinated mushrooms.

Mushrooms mushrooms marinated in soy sauce - how to fry mushrooms on the grill, a step by step recipe photos

How to fry mushrooms on the grill

Gently spread marinated mushrooms on the grill grilled tightly to one another.

Mushrooms mushrooms marinated in soy sauce - how to fry mushrooms on the grill, a step by step recipe photos

To fry the mushrooms on the grill, we will advance with the kindled wood coals for twenty minutes.

Mushrooms mushrooms marinated in soy sauce - how to fry mushrooms on the grill, a step by step recipe photos

Every 5-7 minutes grill with mushrooms need to flip that would not burnt mushrooms and fry evenly.

Mushrooms mushrooms marinated in soy sauce - how to fry mushrooms on the grill, a step by step recipe photos

This is a photo I took before the removing the finished fried mushrooms with barbecue.

Mushrooms mushrooms marinated in soy sauce - how to fry mushrooms on the grill, a step by step recipe photos

Fragrant soaked in spices and smoky mushrooms from the lattice-grill is passed on to a dish and serve a mushroom appetizer consumers.

Mushrooms mushrooms marinated in soy sauce - how to fry mushrooms on the grill, a step by step recipe photos

Prepare the mushrooms on the grill were very tasty and, surprisingly, been eaten faster than the skewers of meat. ???? Enjoy all appetite, and I hope that you will have to taste the simple and quick recipe on the grill!