Mushrooms on skewers oven baked delicious - like mushrooms in the oven to bake a whole, a step by step recipe photos

I propose today housewives to cook not just mushrooms baked in the oven as a whole, and on skewers, a barbeque. Such mini-skewers of fungi - a dish not only easy to make, but also very tasty, which safely may be fed into a hot snacks on any occasion. Baked mushrooms strung on wooden skewers, look very cute. Additionally, in cold form, they are not cold less tasty snack. Step by step recipe shot to photos, let you become assistants in the cooking process.

What we need:

Mushrooms on skewers oven baked delicious - like mushrooms in the oven to bake a whole, a step by step recipe photos
  • mushrooms - 0, 5 kg;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • mayonnaise (or sour cream) - 70 g;
  • Powdered paprika - L .; 2 h.
  • salt - 1/2 tsp..

How to bake the mushrooms in the oven whole, skewers

To prepare a mini-barbeque, mushroom is best to choose a small or medium-sized. Try that they are without flaws (not broken, no worm holes, and. T. D.). If mushrooms are not very good quality, you simply can not normally impose them on skewers before baking, fungi can break down and crumble.

Instead of mayonnaise to marinate mushrooms or sour cream can take if this post, then lean mayonnaise. The classic recipe of kebabs put sour cream. But I decided to pickle mushrooms in sour cream mayonnaise and turned too delicious. So in this part you can improvise. ????

Preparation of meals we will start with the preparation of mushrooms. Mushrooms need to be folded into a bowl, add water and mix thoroughly (but gently) wash off dirt.

Mushrooms on skewers oven baked delicious - like mushrooms in the oven to bake a whole, a step by step recipe photos

After that, we shift the mushrooms in a regular plastic bag and squeezing it through a press garlic peeled garlic.

Mushrooms on skewers oven baked delicious - like mushrooms in the oven to bake a whole, a step by step recipe photos

Next, pour in the salt packet, paprika and mayonnaise (sour cream).

Mushrooms on skewers oven baked delicious - like mushrooms in the oven to bake a whole, a step by step recipe photos

Package and start tying it vigorously shake the ingredients are uniformly distributed on the package.

Mushrooms on skewers oven baked delicious - like mushrooms in the oven to bake a whole, a step by step recipe photos

Then, the contents of the package leave to marinate for 40-60 minutes.

During this time, we need wooden skewers, which will mushroom skewers strung soak in boiling water for 15 minutes. This is done in order to skewers not cracked then when baked in the oven.

Mushrooms on skewers oven baked delicious - like mushrooms in the oven to bake a whole, a step by step recipe photos

Next, open the package and mushrooms strung on skewers. Was covered with baking foil and laid on him our mini mushroom skewers.

Mushrooms on skewers oven baked delicious - like mushrooms in the oven to bake a whole, a step by step recipe photos

Set the baking sheet in the preheated oven and bake the dish for half an hour.

Finished and lovely aromatic mushrooms on skewers oven baked spread on a dish and provide the guests sprinkled finely chopped dill (available parsley or other aromatic herbs).

Mushrooms on skewers oven baked delicious - like mushrooms in the oven to bake a whole, a step by step recipe photos

Serve skewers with mushrooms, cooked in the oven, and can be hot, and slightly ostyvshimi, and even in the cold. Cooked again, this dish is delicious at all stages of cooling. Such delicious baked mushrooms are supplied to the table hot with boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, rice or crumbly buckwheat. Enjoy all the meal!

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