Snack on skewers in a spicy sauce

Kebabs is primarily associated with the output and access to nature. But what to do if there is no time or on the street is not very affectionate weather. Why wait all you can cook at home. The best solution for cooking barbeque at home would have been grilled. But in the absence, it is possible to use the most ordinary frying pan ...

In a plastic bag with a tight-fitting lid or a deep bowl, place the beef, cut into the size of tomatoes and mushrooms. Season with salt and stir. There also put the mushrooms, small pieces of pumpkin and cut into pieces of sweet peppers of different colors.

All this is good sprinkle with coarsely ground pepper and pour salted spicy sauce. Mix thoroughly and set aside in a warm place for marinating at least 1 hour. Equally, soak skewers in water to prevent burning. Then strung on each skewer one mushroom, a slice of sweet pepper, pumpkin, marinated meat and cherry tomatoes.

In a pan, pour a spoonful of olive oil, heat, and place the skewers as roominess. Cook turning often, for 7-8 minutes over medium heat.

This is an excellent food for Sunday. Beef skewers with mushrooms will serve as an excellent snack that is more delicious in a combination of hot sauce.