Meringue at home

This French dessert can be ispechon as a large cake, as well as small cakes, which is what we will do today. If you do not know how to cook the meringue - it is very simple. Following our detailed recipes, you will easily be able to repeat and cook the meringue at home ...

For the filling, which will decorate our meringue, and is a highlight of our dessert, the original use ie strawberries, though availability can use different fruits and berries, including exotic fruits.

Meringue with cream recipe with photos

The first step will need to beat egg whites with a small amount of salt (about pinch). Well and further parts to pour the icing sugar while continuing to whisk. Put 2 teaspoons cornstarch 1/2 hours. Tablespoons vanilla extract and one teaspoon of wine vinegar.

Meringue at home

On the Spread baking parchment paper. Leaving distance, lay on the surface of meringue about 3 teaspoon while forming flat circles circumference of 10 cm with a dimple in the middle.

Meringue at home

Transfer to a preheated oven to 160 degrees and bake for about 20-25 minutes at enabled oven. Then turn off and let it brew and cake on the bottom rack for another 30 minutes. Must be removed after ispechonnoe meringue and chill.

Meringue at home

The idea is that in general the meringue is ready, but it's not what we want cook. Next comes the fun part: rinse berries and fruits. You can use any available seasonally, such as in this recipe was used: ripe peaches, grapes and two colors to decorate the mint leaves.

Grapes divide in half, peach slice thin and small slices, as shown in the photos.

Meringue at home

Place the middle of the meringue of whipped cream, garnish with sliced ​​peaches and grapes, add a little fruit and berry jam and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Meringue at home

And then, you can safely proceed to the most important part - to start the meal. Enjoy the fun!

Meringue at home

... and a bit of history! In the original, it is a delicacy called "Pauline" and named the dessert in honor of the Russian ballerina, who was on tour in France at the beginning of the last century. Although the authorship claims New Zealand, where he also toured Pavlov.