5 budget salads and appetizers for New Year - video recipes at home

Treats - an important part of any holiday, relatives and friends want to surprise the exceptional culinary delights. And not necessarily lay out for foods fortune. It is important to look at the New Year's menu creatively and pragmatically. We hope that our simple original recipes will help you to save money and at the same time to hit our dear guests!

More on the topic: What to prepare for the New Year

Julien with hen

5 budget salads and appetizers for New Year - video recipes at home

What you need: 12 tartlets

1 chicken breast

1 onion

1 tbsp. l. olive oil

100 mL of cream, 20% fat

150 g hard cheese

0, 5 h. L. salt

How to cook chicken with julienne:

1. Chicken breast cut into cubes and boil in salted water in a saucepan for 15 minutes on medium heat.

5 budget salads and appetizers for New Year - video recipes at home

2. Cut the onion into cubes and fry in a pan with butter for 10 minutes over medium heat.

3. Add the onion slices of chicken meat and cream, simmer 5 minutes. Remove from heat.

5 budget salads and appetizers for New Year - video recipes at home

4. Grate the cheese on a fine grater.

5. Julien with chicken lay on the tartlets, sprinkle with grated cheese.

5 budget salads and appetizers for New Year - video recipes at home

Serve immediately.

5 budget salads and appetizers for New Year - video recipes at home

If you only master the culinary genre, but still determined to cook something stunning and affordable New Year - look for a new book publishing house "Eksmo" "Learning to cook holiday meals!"

Ham rolls

5 budget salads and appetizers for New Year - video recipes at home

What you need: 200 g fresh mushrooms

200 g of ham

100 g cheese

1 tbsp. l. mayonnaise

1/4 h. L. salt

10 lettuce (any)

50 g of olives or olive

How to cook a ham rolls:

1. Boil the mushrooms 15 minutes in salted water, cool it and cut finely. 2. Cut the ham into thin slices.

3. Cheese rub on a small grater and mix in a bowl with mayonnaise and mushrooms.

4. Put a teaspoon of cheese and mushroom mass in slices of ham and roll twist. Put on a la carte dishes on lettuce leaves, garnish with olives or olives. To rolls did not disintegrate, bind them together using a toothpick or skewer decorative.

Salad with pineapple

5 budget salads and appetizers for New Year - video recipes at home

For this salad is best suited transparent deep salad bowl, so it will be visible all layers. In addition to the basic ingredients you can add to this salad walnuts, canned corn and cucumber. This will give the dish a fresh touch.

More on the topic: 70 recipes for salads

What you need: 1 chicken breast

2 eggs

2 potatoes

200 g of canned pineapple

3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise

1/3 h. L. coli

How to prepare a salad with pineapple:

1. Boil the eggs and potatoes (in their skins).

2. Chicken breast boil in salted water for 20 minutes and finely cut.

3. The portioned bowls Put potatoes, grated on a fine grater.

5 budget salads and appetizers for New Year - video recipes at home

4. A layer of grease potatoes 1 tablespoon mayonnaise.

5 budget salads and appetizers for New Year - video recipes at home

5. The next layer Put the slices of chicken breast and then grease with mayonnaise.

5 budget salads and appetizers for New Year - video recipes at home

6. Put the pineapple, cut into small pieces, and re-grease with mayonnaise.

5 budget salads and appetizers for New Year - video recipes at home

7. The eggs divide into whites and yolks, rub on a small grater separately. Proteins Put in a salad bowl.

5 budget salads and appetizers for New Year - video recipes at home

8. The center salad bowls Put grated yolks.

5 budget salads and appetizers for New Year - video recipes at home

9. Let sit in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.

meats in pita

5 budget salads and appetizers for New Year - video recipes at home

What you need: 2 sheets of thin lavash 200 g of smoked meat

3 Chinese cabbage leaf

Half a head of red onion

1 tomato

1 pickled cucumber

0, 5, Art. l. vegetable oil

100 g cheese

More on the topic: Pita bread stuffed with 5 delicious recipes

How to cook meats in pita:

1. Smoked meat cut into thin strips.

2. Onion peel and cut into half rings.

3. Chinese cabbage cut into strips.

5 budget salads and appetizers for New Year - video recipes at home

4. A tomato, pickles and cut into strips.

5 budget salads and appetizers for New Year - video recipes at home

5. Cheese rub on a small grater.

6. Mix all ingredients in a bowl and place on sheets of lavash. Fold them roll.

5 budget salads and appetizers for New Year - video recipes at home

Cut each into 3 parts.

7. Rolls lightly fry in a large frying pan, greased with vegetable oil.

rolls with salmon

5 budget salads and appetizers for New Year - video recipes at home

What you need: 500 g salmon fillets

100 g cheese

1 h. L. spice

1 tbsp. l. olive oil

1 h. L. salt

Fish is well suited spicy dried herbs: parsley, celery, tarragon, basil, thyme, oregano.

How to cook rolls with salmon:

1. Cut the salmon fillet along the thin slices and sprinkle each slice spices, salt.

5 budget salads and appetizers for New Year - video recipes at home

2. Cut the cheese into cubes and place one on each slice of salmon.

5 budget salads and appetizers for New Year - video recipes at home

3. Roll the slices of salmon rolls, put on a greased baking sheet.

5 budget salads and appetizers for New Year - video recipes at home

Bake in a preheated 180 ° C oven for 15 minutes.