Chicken ham in multivarka - how to make a chicken ham at home, step by step recipe photos

In our house we have to be some kind of sausage - and as an additive to salads, and just as an operating snack. That's just part of store sausages frightens: preservatives, coloring agents, emulsifiers, stabilizers and other incompatible with the life of chemical warfare agents! Whether it homemade ham: prepare and easy, and there safely. My proven home made recipe with step by step photos of each stage of your service.

How to make chicken ham at home

This "ham" can be prepared from any meat, but most non-burdensome for the stomach, and for a purse option - poultry. You can look for lean chicken or turkey, and can be a conventional broiler use only breast and thighs without skin and fat. In order to improve the future structure of the product, we take another chicken or turkey gizzards. They must be thoroughly cleaned of films and fat.

Chicken ham in multivarka - how to make a chicken ham at home, step by step recipe photos

Meat products laid in multivarku and preparing a two-hour "Extinguishing" mode. Do not salt, do not add water, add only 8-10 peas of black and allspice. If not Multivarki can be prepared just in the pan, but we at the same time lose a lot of energy and a valuable pair. We still need: onions, carrots, white roots (fresh or dried), garlic and a couple of packs of gelatin.

Chicken ham in multivarka - how to make a chicken ham at home, step by step recipe photos

After two hours from the start of cooking, cooked meat and juice liberated throws in a colander.

Chicken ham in multivarka - how to make a chicken ham at home, step by step recipe photos

In a bowl pour Multivarki small cubes shredded vegetables.

Chicken ham in multivarka - how to make a chicken ham at home, step by step recipe photos

Meat exempt from the bone and cartilage, cut melkokubichno and also send in multivarku. Top pour gelatin, add salt, a mixture of peppers, spices. Particularly good here are coriander and grated nutmeg. Pour on top of the meat juice, stir and turn multivarku for another half an hour in the "Quenching".

Chicken ham in multivarka - how to make a chicken ham at home, step by step recipe photos

The future of home ham Chicken practically ready. It left it to mold and cool.

We will need some cylindrical shape, in which to insert the plastic bags as sausage casings.

Chicken ham in multivarka - how to make a chicken ham at home, step by step recipe photos

We spread the stuffing in the form of hot, carefully obminaya to release the air, but do not damage the plastic wrap. Necks of filled bags curls easily.

Chicken ham in multivarka - how to make a chicken ham at home, step by step recipe photos

The product is, in principle, ready, but neotpressovannaya homemade ham get loose when cutting will crumble. Not available special vetchinnitsy with spring-loaded cover? It does not matter to unscrew! In any kitchen, be sure to find suitable posudinki to form the piston and the press.

Chicken ham in multivarka - how to make a chicken ham at home, step by step recipe photos

You can, for example, put on a package with minced any suitable diameter lid or plate, and on top put a container of water.

Chicken ham in multivarka - how to make a chicken ham at home, step by step recipe photos

All, now only remains to wait until the gelatin hardens, and Xpress ham and cured.

Chicken ham in multivarka - how to make a chicken ham at home, step by step recipe photos

prepare homemade chicken ham cooked in multivarka finely cut, the meat has a rich flavor, good in salads, and sandwiches. In the refrigerator it is stored more than a week - unless, of course, do not eat before! And no dyes, conservatives, excess fat and other hazards - high-grade dietary natural products!

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