Roll from lavash with vegetable caviar - how to make pita bread stuffed with eggplant, a step by step recipe photos

Not easy to grow eggplant on the site. They attract pests, so plant them under the window, on a bed. And what is not decorated yard? Beautiful aubergine hanging on the branches. Already in October, many flowers withered, and the little blue - pleasing to the eye. And today looked out the window, and then hang appetizing fruit. Immediately decided to cook a delicious vegetable caviar in a pita. At the same time, step by step photo made cooking, looking at that, and I hope you will want to cook simple but unusual dish - a roll of pita bread with vegetable caviar.

So, we need:

- eggplant - 4-6 pieces;

- Carrots - 1 pc;

- tomato (red and green) - 2 pieces;

- onion - 1 piece;

- Garlic - 1 clove;

- tomato juice - 1 cup;

- ketchup (k kebab) - 1 tbsp. a spoon;

- pita bread - 2 pieces;

- vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon;

. - Salt - 1 tsp;

- spices (Provence herbs, pepper, coriander) - 0, 5-1 teaspoon;.

- parsley - to taste.

How to Cook a roll of pita bread with vegetable caviar

Since the pita bread we buy a ready, the only thing we have to cook it Eggplant and other vegetables. In this way we are going to do.

How to make vegetable caviar of aubergine

The main ingredient of vegetable dishes are little blue. By the choice of vegetables should be approached responsibly, because of its taste will depend on the overall taste of the dish. Eggplants should choose fresh and elastic, where the bones are almost invisible. I have my eggplant, just ripped off from the bed. This is the last of this year's harvest, because October is already on the street. ????

Roll from lavash with vegetable caviar - how to make pita bread stuffed with eggplant, a step by step recipe photos

The fruits are peeled, washed, cut into cubes, as shown in the photo.

Roll from lavash with vegetable caviar - how to make pita bread stuffed with eggplant, a step by step recipe photos

Onions, carrots, garlic, clean, wash and chop. Vegetable Carving - according to your taste, but the filling is best suited cutting, as shown in the photo.

Roll from lavash with vegetable caviar - how to make pita bread stuffed with eggplant, a step by step recipe photos

I take to chop the red and green tomatoes. They make the bright colors and different flavor notes. Tomatoes Wash and chop.

Roll from lavash with vegetable caviar - how to make pita bread stuffed with eggplant, a step by step recipe photos

In a pan put the chopped vegetables, add vegetable oil, salt and spices (Provence herbs, pepper, coriander). Send the fire.

Roll from lavash with vegetable caviar - how to make pita bread stuffed with eggplant, a step by step recipe photos

Vegetables lightly fry. Pour the tomato juice. Simmer over low heat until the liquid has evaporated.

Roll from lavash with vegetable caviar - how to make pita bread stuffed with eggplant, a step by step recipe photos

In the end, add ketchup. Stir and allow to cool.

How to wrap a roll of pita

Prepare bread stuffing for cakes.

Roll from lavash with vegetable caviar - how to make pita bread stuffed with eggplant, a step by step recipe photos

A strip of thin bread folded, as shown in the photo, put vegetable caviar.

Roll from lavash with vegetable caviar - how to make pita bread stuffed with eggplant, a step by step recipe photos

Wrap the pita stuffed roll.

Roll from lavash with vegetable caviar - how to make pita bread stuffed with eggplant, a step by step recipe photos

Serve delicious pita bread stuffed with vegetable caviar, garnished with parsley.

Roll from lavash with vegetable caviar - how to make pita bread stuffed with eggplant, a step by step recipe photos

In the context of the roll of pita with vegetable caviar looks very appetizing. And in taste will handicap many other cold dishes.

Roll from lavash with vegetable caviar - how to make pita bread stuffed with eggplant, a step by step recipe photos

I love to cook quick, hearty, useful and tasty!

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