Bigus with cabbage, meat and mushrooms - how to cook properly Bigus, a step by step recipe photos

Bigos or Bigus - old Polish dish that it's time to register in the UNESCO as a monument of history and culture. ???? Joking aside, but without the knowledge of the history of where, when, why and what was prepared in the old days - it is difficult to understand the principles of the product selection and the process of preparation of traditional dishes.

Traditional Polish Bigos - rustic dish, so, it is very thick and satisfying. We are preparing it for the first frost when zazimok in the winter passed. Vegetables have already been removed, the preform made cattle are killed, all meat products and long-term storage took their places in cellars and glaciers. But the fact that the chambers are not together any nekonditsiya, pruning residues and formed the basis of bigos. Hence the conclusion: the best Bigus is obtained from the "sausage scraps", and the more varieties of meats, sausages, smoked meat, the taste will be richer. And one commandment: the meat is never too much!

Vegetable component of the right Bigos - sauerkraut and fresh cabbage, onions, roots, additives such as prune or plum brandy called Slivovica and spicy herbs - typical for Eastern Europe, no East or West of the exotic!

This bigos prepared long in huge pots, in several stages: haunted, cool, frozen and warmed up again. Then boilers with a ready dish endured the cold, so winter otkolupnut necessary piece, reheat and serve when needed. That is, it is also a way of harvesting, hence the large portions, lots of spices and fat, which in this case has traditionally served and preservatives. Imagine the inhabitants themselves old Polish farms and proceed to the actual cooking process.

How to cook Bigus with meat and cabbage

Essential components of the village proper Bigos are: sauerkraut and fresh, mushrooms, onions, roots, prunes, meat products (sausages, smoked bacon). If you use fresh meat is usually trimmings or offal.

Bigus with cabbage, meat and mushrooms - how to cook properly Bigus, a step by step recipe photos

Cut the meat products, separating the fat and meat.

Bigus with cabbage, meat and mushrooms - how to cook properly Bigus, a step by step recipe photos

The hide cut into strips, pour a little water and put the stew on low heat. Half the chopped bacon spread in a large well-heated by the boiler, and fry until golden.

Bigus with cabbage, meat and mushrooms - how to cook properly Bigus, a step by step recipe photos

The golden crispy cracklings take out with a slotted spoon - they make a great company porridge, potatoes or just a piece of black bread with salt. His role in the creation Bigus cracklings already played.

Bigus with cabbage, meat and mushrooms - how to cook properly Bigus, a step by step recipe photos

Now we will slowly cook other products and alternately stacked them into the pot. The first heated with the fat in meat products are cut. We fry them until golden.

Bigus with cabbage, meat and mushrooms - how to cook properly Bigus, a step by step recipe photos

A fresh cabbage cut into large Bigos traditional checkered.

Bigus with cabbage, meat and mushrooms - how to cook properly Bigus, a step by step recipe photos

It must be scalded or problanshirovat steamed, cooled quickly (you can pour into a colander with cold water) and squeeze. Otherwise, it seethe until complete tastelessness and structurelessness.

Bigus with cabbage, meat and mushrooms - how to cook properly Bigus, a step by step recipe photos

shovel to the walls of the boiler meat products, and their place in the hot fat spread wrung blanched cabbage. It should fire, redden slightly and absorb some of the fat.

Bigus with cabbage, meat and mushrooms - how to cook properly Bigus, a step by step recipe photos

The next tab - mushrooms, they should also be a little fire. If the mushrooms took dried, they should be pre-soak and drain. The water in which the mushrooms soak, too, will go to bigos, but a little bit later.

Bigus with cabbage, meat and mushrooms - how to cook properly Bigus, a step by step recipe photos

Meanwhile, in a small cauldron or a large thick-walled, well-heated frying pan lay out the second half of the chopped bacon.

Bigus with cabbage, meat and mushrooms - how to cook properly Bigus, a step by step recipe photos

While the fat turns into cracklings, shinkuem onions and roots.

Bigus with cabbage, meat and mushrooms - how to cook properly Bigus, a step by step recipe photos

Take out cracklings, and melted fat fry until golden onions, fresh or dried white roots.

Bigus with cabbage, meat and mushrooms - how to cook properly Bigus, a step by step recipe photos

The time has come sauerkraut. We reject it in a colander and squeeze the brine. If cabbage is very acidic, it should be pre-soak. Wrung cabbage spread in a large boiler there is recovering fried onion and roots along with fat, pour smoked decoction of skins and water from soaking fungi.

Bigus with cabbage, meat and mushrooms - how to cook properly Bigus, a step by step recipe photos

There comes a crucial moment: Now we lay the boiler that will turn braised cabbage and smoked in the right bigos in Old Polish. This pre-soaked, cut into strips and prune plum brandy called Slivovica. If we for some reason do not have a home plum brandy called Slivovica - buy plum wine in the store!

Bigus with cabbage, meat and mushrooms - how to cook properly Bigus, a step by step recipe photos

All good stir, cover with a lid and give extinguished half an hour over medium heat.

Bigus with cabbage, meat and mushrooms - how to cook properly Bigus, a step by step recipe photos

There were the finishing touches - to bring a dish to taste and flavor. Check up on the salt - it should be enough in the cabbage and smoked, but may have dosolit. If bigos proved too acidic, it will adjust the addition of sugar. And, of course, spices: black pepper and ground; Marjoram - is the main spicy herb for any food from any of the cabbage; basil - it will connect the taste of meat and vegetables in a single ensemble; well, a few juniper berries. Add the bay leaf, only if it is not in the sauerkraut.

Bigus with cabbage, meat and mushrooms - how to cook properly Bigus, a step by step recipe photos

In principle, the preparation of bigos completed, but to gain the full flavor it needs a few more hours then at the very low heat.

When the dish is ready - put it on plates consumers.

Bigus with cabbage, meat and mushrooms - how to cook properly Bigus, a step by step recipe photos

This is the right Bigos traditional Polish noble is a bronze color, juicy sour-sweet taste, spicy aroma tantalizing. It is hot, bold, hearty, tasty, and his sin is, in addition to glasses bison or even a glass of beer! And do not forget the crust of rye bread with caraway seeds!