Pumpkin soup with cream and meat - how to cook a delicious pumpkin soup with cream, with a step by step recipe photos

This gentle delicious pumpkin soup with cream and chicken meat at home we call affectionately - "Golden". This tasty and healthy first course is ideal for children and therapeutic feeding. For those who prefer lean-vegetarian version, simply cook it on the water and do not add meat. But today, I have this delicious, elegant and very delicate soup will cook in chicken broth with meat and chicken.

How to cook pumpkin soup with cream

In a thick saucepan over a tablespoon of vegetable oil do zazharku of onions, carrots and white roots.

Pumpkin soup with cream and meat - how to cook a delicious pumpkin soup with cream, with a step by step recipe photos

For this recipe onion is just warming up, namely, fry till rosy-golden caramel.

Pumpkin soup with cream and meat - how to cook a delicious pumpkin soup with cream, with a step by step recipe photos

zazharku poured into slightly pre-brewed water or chicken stock and bring to a boil.

Pumpkin soup with cream and meat - how to cook a delicious pumpkin soup with cream, with a step by step recipe photos

to select and prepare the vegetables of yellow, orange or white in color:.. Potatoes, squash, pumpkin, white cabbage or color, yellow black-eyed beans, corn, etc. They should be neutral taste, without a pronounced acid and sharpness. Alas, under the terms of prescription peppers and tomatoes still fly in the qualifying round.

Pumpkin soup with cream and meat - how to cook a delicious pumpkin soup with cream, with a step by step recipe photos

Do not get carried away, trying to cram into the soup all at once appropriate within the meaning of vegetables, even if they are. Wink virtue of moderation and limit ourselves to 3-4 types. Today it is a potato, pumpkin and cabbage.

Pumpkin soup with cream and meat - how to cook a delicious pumpkin soup with cream, with a step by step recipe photos

Vegetables cut large cube, throw in boiling broth, bring to a boil again, we switch to the minimum heating, cover cap and reserve for ten minutes stew in a very small amount of liquid actually steamed.

Pumpkin soup with cream and meat - how to cook a delicious pumpkin soup with cream, with a step by step recipe photos

When the vegetables cook until tender, pour the rest of the broth, put in a pan chopped chicken, bring to a boil again and cook for another five minutes.

Pumpkin soup with cream and meat - how to cook a delicious pumpkin soup with cream, with a step by step recipe photos

The soup is almost ready, it remains to bring it to taste. To date set vegetables well suited Provencal and Italian herbs, and spice-adding spice to give a bright and sunny yellowness.

Ready soup shred blender, cover with lid and turn off the heat. For a couple of minutes while preparing the feed, all flavors akin finally in a single bouquet.

Pumpkin soup with cream and meat - how to cook a delicious pumpkin soup with cream, with a step by step recipe photos

The golden pumpkin soup was very gentle, mild taste, even a little sweet. The perfect complement to it (and to taste, and color) will be fresh or fresh frozen peas.

Pumpkin soup with cream and meat - how to cook a delicious pumpkin soup with cream, with a step by step recipe photos

Since peas are blanched before freezing, it is completely ready for use, only need to warm up. Fresh peas for 2-3 minutes blanshiruem microwave, covered and without water. You can, of course, take canned from banks, but it is more rigid, and color, rather, olive, soup from a replacement a little lost in the tenderness and brightness.

Pumpkin soup is poured in a dish, decorate with green peas and boiled carrots, dressed with soft cream cheese or heavy cream and sprinkle with herbs.

Pumpkin soup with cream and meat - how to cook a delicious pumpkin soup with cream, with a step by step recipe photos