Pumpkin pie with apples - how to cook apple pie with pumpkin and apple, with a step by step recipe photos

Unusual pumpkin pie with apples and enjoy your households, and your friends. This recipe with pumpkin charlotte biscuit dough in a simple and delicious. You will easily be able to cook, and my detailed description of each step and the steps taken photos you will facilitate this task.


  • 3 large chicken eggs D-0;
  • 180 grams of sugar;
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla.;
  • 200 grams of wheat flour in / s;
  • 200 grams of pumpkin;
  • 1 tbsp. spoonful of sugar for pumpkin;
  • 50 grams butter 72% for the pumpkin;
  • .

  • 1 teaspoon vanilla icing sugar;
  • 0, 5 teaspoon of instant coffee.;
  • canned apples.

How to make apple pie with pumpkin and apples

How do pumpkin dough charlotte

Clear the pumpkin peel and seeds, cut it into pieces and drop into the frying pan with butter. Sprinkle with sugar and pumpkin karameliziruem to a soft state.

Pumpkin pie with apples - how to cook apple pie with pumpkin and apple, with a step by step recipe photos

Punches caramelized pumpkin immersion blender to puree and leave it to cool.

Pumpkin pie with apples - how to cook apple pie with pumpkin and apple, with a step by step recipe photos

Eggs break into the bowl from the mixer and whisk entirely on high speed until fluffy mass. Then, add sugar and vanilla. Continue beating until sugar is dissolved. Drip one drop of the test on the index finger and rub it between your fingers. dough texture is smooth and sticky profit and grains of sugar should not be. Pour the sifted flour and the dough whisk on medium speed. Then add the pumpkin puree. Mix dough on low speed until all the compound ingredients.

Pumpkin pie with apples - how to cook apple pie with pumpkin and apple, with a step by step recipe photos

How to make pumpkin apple pie with apples

Shape with removable sides cover food with paper, which is sure to coat with butter. The paper covers the bottom and sides, so it will be easier to extract the finished charlotte from the mold. At the bottom of the prepared pan pour a little dough to cover the bottom. Put the slices of canned apple and close their remaining dough.

Pumpkin pie with apples - how to cook apple pie with pumpkin and apple, with a step by step recipe photos

put sponge cake prepared otpekatsya at 160 ° C (oven should be heated in advance) for about 40 minutes. Check the readiness needed to dry wand. Pierce stick to the bottom of the form and take it out. Dry stick - Charlotte is ready, stick in the test - still hold in the oven until cooked.

Ready-made pumpkin charlotte take out from the oven and allowed to cool in the form. Then, shift it to the dish. Mix powdered sugar and soluble coffee. Through a fine sieve sprinkle apple pie.

Pumpkin pie with apples - how to cook apple pie with pumpkin and apple, with a step by step recipe photos

to brew tea, cut a piece of pumpkin charlotte with apples and enjoy!

Pumpkin pie with apples - how to cook apple pie with pumpkin and apple, with a step by step recipe photos
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