Roses of apples in puff pastry - delicious apple tart of puff pastry as apples wrapped in puff pastry as roses, step by step recipe photos

Today I want to invite to tea to bake a delicious and quick apple pie, which I call the "Apple puff pastry roses." With roses have a little tricky, and apricot jam, you can easily change to any of you favorite, or your existing. Rose in a baking time of increase in volume and fill the entire space of the pie. My detailed description of the recipe and step by step the captured photos will help you to quickly cook a simple, crisp and delicate cake with roses made from apples. Enjoy your dessert!


  • 1 pack flaky unleavened dough;
  • 5 fresh apples;
  • 100 grams of almonds;
  • 4 tbsp. tablespoons apricot jam;
  • 1 tbsp. Spoon the vanilla icing sugar;
  • 1 egg-2.

How to cook the apples in puff pastry in the form of roses

1/3 portion of the puff pastry roll out and distribute in shape with detachable sides, which pre-greased butter. At the bottom of the dough spread the apple, cut into slices, distribute 2 tbsp. tablespoons apricot jam and sprinkle with chopped almonds. Almonds can be replaced with walnuts.

Roses of apples in puff pastry - delicious apple tart of puff pastry as apples wrapped in puff pastry as roses, step by step recipe photos

Roll out another 1/3 of the dough in size shape and cover the filling. Lubricates the surface of the dough with beaten egg. The remainder of roll out the dough, cut into strips (6 cm X 12 cm). Half strip lubricates apricot jam. Spread on the half apple slices, cover the apples of the second half and turn the dough into a roll.

Roses of apples in puff pastry - delicious apple tart of puff pastry as apples wrapped in puff pastry as roses, step by step recipe photos

Each rosette is exposed in the form of pie c. vyleplivaem leaves and smeared egg dough residues.

Roses of apples in puff pastry - delicious apple tart of puff pastry as apples wrapped in puff pastry as roses, step by step recipe photos

apple pie pastry otpekatsya ship in the oven for 40 minutes at 180 ° C. We take out the finished ruddy pie from the oven, remove the rim shape and allowed to cool. Cool cake spread on a dish.

Roses of apples in puff pastry - delicious apple tart of puff pastry as apples wrapped in puff pastry as roses, step by step recipe photos

"powder" rose apple puff pastry vanilla sugar. Delicious and delicate apple pie is ready.

Roses of apples in puff pastry - delicious apple tart of puff pastry as apples wrapped in puff pastry as roses, step by step recipe photos

Cooking tea and taste the fast and beautiful apple dessert, which, to be honest, and it is a pity to cut. ????

Roses of apples in puff pastry - delicious apple tart of puff pastry as apples wrapped in puff pastry as roses, step by step recipe photos