Fried flounder in multivarka with vegetables and mushrooms - both tasty to cook flounder in multivarka, step by step recipe photos

In this recipe, I tell you how to flounder anyway - delicious flavored fish, cook unconventionally. That is, we will not be boring flounder in the oven or fried in a pan. We will try very unusual combination of ingredients and not the same as always cooking method. Today for lunch we will flounder fried in multivarka with vegetables and mushrooms. To begin with, we will need to marinate the fish for a short while, and then we'll fry multivarka with an unusual side dish. In today's my recipe - from the Bulgarian pepper and mushrooms. Here right now you can repeat my very tasty and successful experiment using the detailed description and step by step to make a photo. Become to the stove and cook!


  • flounder - 1 pc .;
  • mushrooms - 100 g;
  • pepper - 100 g;
  • green onions - 3-4 pen;
  • Garlic - 4-5 cloves;
  • vegetable oil - for cooking;
  • favorite spices to your taste;
  • dried dill or other herbs.

How delicious to cook flounder in multivarka with vegetables and mushrooms

Fish, as if it had not been cleaned in a shop should be very well gutted and washed. Because the first thing to do is to choose the insides, cut the head, tail and fins.

Fried flounder in multivarka with vegetables and mushrooms - both tasty to cook flounder in multivarka, step by step recipe photos

Now, the question may arise as a cut fish before the hostess. There are several options. Thinning flounder can be immediately put to rest - in a lot of difficult to prepare. Entirely? Yes, but only if the trunk is small in size. I chose the best option for themselves - to cut into portions.

Fried flounder in multivarka with vegetables and mushrooms - both tasty to cook flounder in multivarka, step by step recipe photos

How to cook flounder, to which all are accustomed to the taste, unusual? I decided to dream for spices. They came at me in the dry marinade. What to take? What you like, or that there are now in the closet. Accents can be very different. Simply add the batter your favorite spices and dried herbs. Changing their composition, fried flounder will get each time with a different taste and aroma.

Fried flounder in multivarka with vegetables and mushrooms - both tasty to cook flounder in multivarka, step by step recipe photos

Before you continue to cook, t. E. Fish fry, the pieces have to marinate in the dry marinade. To do this, just drag a good fish in this unusual mixture.

Fried flounder in multivarka with vegetables and mushrooms - both tasty to cook flounder in multivarka, step by step recipe photos

And now - the most interesting. Cook flounder and garnish it will not be in a frying pan or the oven, and not separately, but together. There is such a great and even more useful way - multivarka! Greased bottom of the bowl, put it in the fish and set the cooking mode.

Fried flounder in multivarka with vegetables and mushrooms - both tasty to cook flounder in multivarka, step by step recipe photos

Before the first we have to catch the fish cut into turning all the things that are in the recipe. Slicing format? To your taste! As I cut seen in the photo. When fried flounder turned immediately put in a bowl of sliced ​​vegetables and mushrooms. We continue to co-frying, gently turning over the fish and garnish the future. At the end, sprinkle the dish with chopped fresh dill melenko.

Fried flounder in multivarka with vegetables and mushrooms - both tasty to cook flounder in multivarka, step by step recipe photos

No Multivarki and cooking technology like? Lack of Multivarki not a problem. According to the recipe flounder fried with vegetables and mushrooms can be cooked on a frying pan. That's just try not to overdo it with the oil. And then you get here so juicy and tasty fish with a nice easy side dish!

Fried flounder in multivarka with vegetables and mushrooms - both tasty to cook flounder in multivarka, step by step recipe photos

Look what meat turns tender and juicy.

Fried flounder in multivarka with vegetables and mushrooms - both tasty to cook flounder in multivarka, step by step recipe photos

prepared unusual and not as you are used to, but I'm sure this is a simple recipe of a series of courses in multivarka, absolutely prescribe in your menu. After all, preparing it is not only fast and simple, but very useful and delicious. It can not only serve the home, but do not be ashamed to expose and guests!