Homemade puff tongues with sugar puff test ready - how to make the tongues of puff pastry, with a step by step recipe photos

The most delicious recipe from my childhood - a puff pastry with sugar tabs. To simplify its manufacturing, I cook the dough in advance and keep it in the freezer until the right moment. This greatly simplifies the whole process. The tongues are obtained just airy, layered and very tasty. Step by step recipe decorated with photos and will help you to bake their own delicious homemade puff tongues with sugar puff pastry.

We will need to prepare:

  • 1/2 servings Puff pastry;
  • 1 egg (for the lubrication of the test);
  • 15 h. Spoons of sugar.

How to make puff tongues with sugar

oven mode: 180 ° C, average.

We take out the finished puff pastry from the freezer, we shift it in the fridge department and leave it there for the whole night. Or prepare fresh dough. I prefer the dough after freezing, it is more layered obtained after baking. To prepare 15 pieces of tongues, it is necessary to take half the dough.

Homemade puff tongues with sugar puff test ready - how to make the tongues of puff pastry, with a step by step recipe photos

Divide a piece of dough into two equal pieces and roll them individually to 3-4 mm. Do not forget to sprinkle the table with flour. Then, shaken egg fork and lubricates the first test the formation. Similarly the second reservoir layer laid on the first layer of dough and cut the dough into rectangles of 5-6 cm in width. By means of the blade preform transfer the dough to a baking parchment.

Homemade puff tongues with sugar puff test ready - how to make the tongues of puff pastry, with a step by step recipe photos

Now, lubricates topsheet egg dough and each piece sprinkle one teaspoon of sugar.

Homemade puff tongues with sugar puff test ready - how to make the tongues of puff pastry, with a step by step recipe photos

Otpekaem sweet puff in the preheated oven for 25 minutes.

Homemade puff tongues with sugar puff test ready - how to make the tongues of puff pastry, with a step by step recipe photos

Ready tongues are defined by their characteristic golden color and crunch.

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