Simple recipe broccoli with egg oil

Broccoli - the queen of vegetables, it contains a huge amount of vitamins and mineral properties, easy to prepare and has a unique sweet taste reminiscent of a cauliflower. Cook it is not difficult. And in confirmation of this, we present to your attention a simple recipe for broccoli with butter and egg.

In fact, this type is considered a dietary vegetables. But our recipe this does not apply. This option is perfect for a light snack or as a side dish to any main dish.

Broccoli with butter and egg

Simple recipe broccoli with egg oil

Prepare all the necessary food, wash the parsley and pre-boil the eggs.

Simple recipe broccoli with egg oil

On the main ingredient of our dishes, remove the leaves, cut the base and rinse. Divide the cauliflower into smaller florets.

Simple recipe broccoli with egg oil

Lay broccoli pieces in a pan of water, add 1 tablespoon of salt per 2 liters of water and put on the plate and bring to the boil and cook for 5-7 minutes with moderate swirling.

Simple recipe broccoli with egg oil

Drain using a colander and allow moisture to move away. Peel the eggs, separate the yolks and chop them.

Simple recipe broccoli with egg oil

Transfer the steamed cabbage in a serving bowl, sprinkle with parsley and egg yolks. Just before serving, pour the broccoli with melted butter.

Just 10-15 minutes, as a result of simple actions, we have a tasty and healthy dish. After all, it was steamed broccoli retains most useful properties and has a delicious taste.

How to cook broccoli

Usually broccoli cooked fast enough. It is recommended not to digest, vegetables should be a bit lively and when consumed feel a slight crunch. If you overdo, the product starts to lose properties, soften and lose its flavor.

Standard cooking time 6-7 minutes of broccoli.