Delicious steamed eggplant with vegetables - how to put out the eggplant with vegetables in a frying pan, a step by step recipe photos

Sinenkie - so styled more eggplant. From this gastronomic product "attractive" appearance and wonderful taste can make the dishes of different purposes: and pastries, and snacks and main dishes. Our proposed for hostesses today culinary project - a braised eggplant, combined in a pan with vegetables during fire - namely, with carrot, onion bulb from the garden, tomatoes and sweet bell peppers. This dish is often called a cell. Here's how to cook these delicious stewed aubergines with vegetables in a pan and tell me step by step recipe decorated with photos.


  • Blue eggplant (preferably young) - 1 piece;
  • tomato - 1 or 2 pieces;
  • bell pepper (any color) bell - 1 piece;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • carrot - 1 piece;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • vegetable oil - approximately 40 ml or slightly more;
  • salt and spices desired - by preference;
  • any greens - to taste.

How to put out the eggplant with vegetables in a pan

Since the preparation of selected ingredients mine, desired (carrot, onion, pepper) is cleared. Prepare the pan, which should be deep enough to accommodate the entire cuts. It pour oil. While it is warming up, chopped onions on a cutting surface. Onion sliced ​​send to saute in a frying pan.

Delicious steamed eggplant with vegetables - how to put out the eggplant with vegetables in a frying pan, a step by step recipe photos

While the onion is fried, we shall cut strips of thin carrot. It send to the onions.

Delicious steamed eggplant with vegetables - how to put out the eggplant with vegetables in a frying pan, a step by step recipe photos

Tomatoes sodium, and the mass is send to the vegetables in the pan. Do not forget to stir the vegetables.

Delicious steamed eggplant with vegetables - how to put out the eggplant with vegetables in a frying pan, a step by step recipe photos

diced eggplant, lay out the slices on the pan to the remaining ingredients. Simmer 5 minutes, during the seasoning with salt and spices.

Delicious steamed eggplant with vegetables - how to put out the eggplant with vegetables in a frying pan, a step by step recipe photos

It remains to add the crushed pepper and put out the eggplant with vegetables for about 10 minutes.

Delicious steamed eggplant with vegetables - how to put out the eggplant with vegetables in a frying pan, a step by step recipe photos

At the end add the chopped fresh herbs and passed through a "masher" garlic. We mix and a couple of minutes and keep on fire.

Delicious steamed eggplant with vegetables - how to put out the eggplant with vegetables in a frying pan, a step by step recipe photos

Well, very tasty stewed aubergines with vegetables in a pan ready.

Delicious steamed eggplant with vegetables - how to put out the eggplant with vegetables in a frying pan, a step by step recipe photos

Help yourself and call yourself to the table of family and friends! This appetizer of eggplant is delicious both hot and cooled down to form. I tell you a secret that cold, I love it more. ???? Feel free to place this cell in the treasury of your summer recipes.

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