Dumpling soup recipe

Soup with dumplings - it's just a godsend for housewives who need a quick and satisfying to feed a family or guests when in a freezer found no meat, and a little ravioli. But, such a dish as recipe dumpling soup may be not only a magic wand, but also an excellent option for the first course of the upcoming festive dinner.

Cook ravioli soup is very simple. As a basis we can take homemade dumplings or semi-finished products from the nearest store. So, instead of water, you can take the Broth. By the way, that the broth was always at hand, take a small margin freeze it in plastic cups.

Step by step recipe for soup with dumplings

Dumpling soup recipe

According to a list with the ingredients, prepare all the necessary products for cooking.

Dumpling soup recipe

To begin with, clean and cut the potatoes into cubes or small cubes. Put it in a pot and cover with water. Warm or cold - there is no difference. Place the pot on the fire and join in the preparation of the remaining vegetables.

Dumpling soup recipe

Carrot and onion, clean, wash and cut is not large.

Dumpling soup recipe

Heat the oil and fry on low heat the onion and carrot until vegetables like should not be softened.

Dumpling soup recipe

By the time the water in the pan with the potatoes should boil, put vegetable passirovku, salt and pepper to taste, stir and bring back to the light boil. Following add the broth main ingredient of our dishes - dumplings.

Dumpling soup recipe

Cook dumplings over high heat for 5-8 minutes until they begin to float to the surface of the soup, and then reduce heat to low.

Dumpling soup recipe

Then add the finely chopped herbs - a dill, parsley, green onions, and you can turn off the fire. Cover rich soup with dumplings lid and let it stand for 5-7 minutes.

Dumpling soup recipe

Further, it remains to pour hot meal on plates and call everyone to the table.