Recipes Eggplant in Korean

Recipes Eggplant in Korean
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Even those who do not like eggplant, tasted the blank made according to recipes, become fans "little blue". After all, they are pre-prepared so that the bitterness is gone. The presence of other vegetables is only good this dish.

Dishes of eggplant - it's not only good taste, but also good. To be able to feast all winter vitamin workpiece, roll salad in jars.

Salad from eggplants with banks


1, 5 kg of eggplants

4 medium onions

5 peppers

700 g of tomato

1, 5 heads of garlic

30 g ground coriander

10 g of black pepper

1 h. Spoon salt to remove bitterness from zucchini and 0, 5, Art. Spoon salad

100 g vegetable oil odorless

150 g of 9% vinegar

How to prepare a vitamin salad of eggplant:

  1. Eggplant wash, remove them from the peel, cut into long strips 1, 5x2 cm. Put them in a pan or bowl, pour a tablespoon of salt, mix gently, leave for an hour.
  2. During this time you will have time to prepare the rest of the vegetables. Onion cut semicircles, a fry pan with vegetable oil until golden brown.
  3. The washed tomatoes cut into pieces, put them to the onions, continue to simmer for 10 minutes over medium heat.
  4. Peppers free from seeds, the partitions, the stalk, cut into strips. Put them into the pan, cook for another 5 minutes.
  5. After an hour passed, flip slices of "blue" in a colander, rinse under running water. Slightly press them to the walls by hand colander to squeeze, put the vegetables in the pan.
  6. Stir sugar, salt, coriander, pepper, stir, cook for another 15 minutes. Garlic finely chop or crush in the press, add to the vegetables, pour the vinegar, stir and hold the fire in 30 seconds.
  7. Prior to that, banks prepare, rinse and hold them over steam. Place the salad in sterile jars, put them on top of the iron cap, but do not roll far.
  8. Place jars in a wide pan, pour water on a hanger, sterilize 750-gram bottles 20 minutes.
  9. After that, roll up the jar, turn them over to the table, wrap a cloth veil. Leave in this way to cool the contents to about 20 hours.
  10. Then carefully turn the banks, store in a dark place where the temperature of + 5 + 15 ° C.

Eggplant Recipe Sicilian. Watch the video! ..

Preparation for a salad in Korean

The main ingredient can be prepared in a different way, broth and putting pressure on them. Then, too, will leave an extra bitterness. Ingredients:

1, 5 kg of eggplants

200 g of carrots

150 g pepper

1 clove garlic

50 g of sugar

0, 5, Art. spoons of salt

150 g of 9% vinegar

150 g of sunflower oil

1 seasoning packet for carrots in Korean

How to prepare a preform eggplant salad:

  1. Eggplant wash, remove the stalk. Pricks the skin of each fork in several places. The water vsypte half tablespoon of salt, allow it to boil, place "sinenkie" for 5 minutes.
  2. Then put them on the table, cover with a wooden board, put the top yoke. When they are in such a stand for 6 hours and cut into squares of 2x2 cm strips or section 1, 5x2 cm.
  3. Purified pepper cut into strips, carrots grate. Chop the garlic press. Connect the vegetables, add a salt, sugar, seasoning and stir.
  4. Put the pan with the butter, hold the fire after boiling for 10 minutes. Pour vinegar, roll up into sterile jars.