February 23: draw up a festive menu

We recommend that a win-win (the more so because it is Sunday): gourmet hand made, ie breakfast, lunch and dinner in a non-stop mode. Dedicate output beloved and spend the day at the stove for him!

How to cook the royal dish - eggplant stew with meat

Eggplant with meat are very satisfying, juicy and tasty dish, which is prepared from chicken, lamb, beef or pork. Also for its preparation match any vegetables, ranging from ripe tomatoes and bell pepper finishing. In general, for the creation of this culinary masterpiece is enough to have some free time and know a few popular recipes.

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We suggest that you use the recipes of famous artists: Alexander Seleznev, Nicky Belotserkovskaya and Savely Libkin.

What can you make with B

Pancakes with surprise by Alexander Seleznev

February 23: draw up a festive menu

Who does not like surprises, please leave the room! As all were? Then it's a treat for you!


3 eggs

500ml milk

100 ml of vegetable oil

salt and sugar - to taste

150 g flour

150 g of cherry tomatoes

100 g of broccoli

150 g of mozzarella cheese in Beads

How to prepare:

  1. Stir whisk eggs, milk, sifted through a sieve the flour, salt, sugar and butter.
  2. uniform Knead dough pancakes.
  3. Bake pancakes podrumyanivaya on both sides.
  4. In a 250 ml cocottes lay pancake.
  5. In a pancake, place tomatoes, broccoli and mozzarella balls.
  6. In each mold break 2 eggs in the filling. Salt and pepper.
  7. Bake pancakes with surprise 15 minutes at 180 ° C.

Terrine of meat for an easy recipe from Alexander Seleznev. Watch the video! .. "Languages" from the little blue from the famous Odessa restaurateur Savely Libkin

February 23: draw up a festive menu

Such rolls can be found in the kitchen of any country where the eggplant is grown. Different recipes regional nuances. Instead Odessa sheep cheese in Italy eggplant wrapped ricotta or mozzarella, basil can add or anchovies, or even bake, Gulf tomato puree and sprinkled with Parmesan. It turns out tasty anyway.

Ingredients: (4 servings)

2 long eggplant (weighing about 300 g)

200 g of a fat soft cheese sheep

100 ml of olive oil

2-3 sprigs of dill

2-3 sprigs of cilantro

1 hr. Of salt

2 garlic cloves

2-3 medium tomatoes

How to prepare:

  1. My eggplant, remove the stalk and cut them lengthwise into "languages" thickness of 5 mm.
  2. We spread into a pan or bowl with high sides and prisalivaem so that the salt got on each piece.
  3. Leave for 15 minutes. During this time, the blue highlight the "bitterness". Wash the "languages", give water to drain, blotted them with a paper towel.
  4. Heat the pan with a thick bottom, pour the minimum amount of olive oil (floor grease can be neatly special brush). Fry the slices of eggplant on both sides to cool down and spread on a paper towel to remove excess oil.
  5. Blanshiruem several smaller tomatoes and cut into circles.
  6. sheep's cheese Grate or mash with a fork, add the garlic and chopped dill or cilantro.
  7. Thoroughly knead until smooth.
  8. Each "language" smear cheese with herbs and put it on a slice of tomato without skin.
  9. Next, we turn tight and tightly laid in a tray. Sprinkled with olive oil and leave for 1 hour in the refrigerator.

Patties with feta by Nike Belotserkovskaya

February 23: draw up a festive menu

Instead of feta can take the ricotta and rub it in any type of cheese to your taste - parmesan, pecorino or there.


1 puff pastry sheet

200 g of feta

1 egg

1 egg yolk


How to prepare:

  1. Preheat oven to 180 ° C.
  2. Cut the sheet of dough rectangles and fill them with stuffing mixed with beaten egg crumbled cheese and chopped parsley.
  3. Grease the edges of the dough yolk, seal boxes, brush egg yolk on top.
  4. Put in the fridge for 1 hour and then in the oven for 20-30 minutes.

Tip: Do not put a lot of feta filling, otherwise it will be very salty. You can add not only the ricotta, but also very ordinary cheese.

For lunch we recommend:

soup with meatballs of veal from the book "My Odessa cuisine"

February 23: draw up a festive menu

Soup with meatballs - this is one of the easiest meat soups. Its main advantage is the ease of preparation, but, despite this, it has a lot of variations. Meatballs - balls of minced meat - not to be confused with meatballs. In the beef for meatballs, in addition to meat, only a little onion, herbs and spices. In the beef meatballs as to add rice. methods of cooking them is also different. Meatballs are fried or stewed, and meatballs are cooked in broth or soup.

Ingredients: (4 servings)

Burgers: 350 g of bovine scapula

1 medium onion

3 sprigs dill

salt and pepper - to taste

Soup: 4 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil

2 potatoes

1 medium onion

1 small carrot

1 parsley root

1 sweet red pepper

2 liters of beef broth (can substitute for bouillon cubes)

a few sprigs of dill and parsley How to prepare:

  1. Start with meat. My calf flesh, we clean it from the veins and films.
  2. Skipping along with onions through a meat grinder.
  3. finely chopped dill, add to stuffing.
  4. Salt, pepper and carefully knock the stuffing hands.
  5. Wet hands divide the stuffing on the size of the balls about with quail egg. By the way, the egg in the stuffing is not recommended to add, they attach excessive turbidity of soup and meatballs stiffness.
  6. Potatoes, carrots, parsley root and bow my, clean and cut into small cubes, rinse with cold water.
  7. Do peppers remove the stalk and seeds. Wash and chop.
  8. onion, bell pepper, parsley root and carrots passeruem in a frying pan with vegetable oil until a light color change.
  9. In the boiling broth to lay the potatoes. As soon as it boils, diminish the fire and cook for another 10-15 minutes.
  10. And now - it is very important! Making sure that the potato soup is not boiling, lay in his meatballs. So turbid soup, meatballs will not crack and will hold the shape.
  11. slowly brought the soup to a boil, add the browned vegetables, and cook over low heat our soup for another 5-7 minutes.
  12. is served in a beautiful plate with a pinch of chopped herbs.

Casserole with potatoes and mushrooms by Nicky Belotserkovskaya

February 23: draw up a festive menu

Everything we love: very simple and very tasty, mushrooms and potatoes. If there is no white, are perfect and others, and you can try and frozen.


1 kg potato

1 kg cep

400 ml whipping cream (33%)

a handful of grated parmesan


sea ​​salt

ground black pepper

How to prepare:

  1. Preheat oven to 180 ° C.
  2. Boil the potatoes in their skins until almost cooked, peeled, cut into slices.
  3. Clean, but do not wash mushrooms - a knife, a brush or cloth and chop finely along.
  4. Grease most high form of butter, put a layer of potatoes, salt, a layer of mushrooms, put a few pieces of butter, a layer of potatoes, salt, mushroom layer, a layer of potatoes, salt and pepper, pour the cream and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.
  5. Cover with foil form, send it in the oven for 50 minutes, do not forget to remove the foil halfway until tender.
  6. Get ready casserole with a nice crispy crust and let stand 30 minutes before feeding.

Cheese cake with celery by Alexander Seleznev

February 23: draw up a festive menu

It is said that celery is akin to a magic potion, and is fraught with a certain force. But the fact that the cake with celery - it's hard, it is checked for sure!


300 g hard cheese

3 eggs

3 celery stalk

200 g butter

300 grams of curd

350 g flour

15 g baking powder

150 g olives or pitted olives

20g capers

1/2 green beam

How to prepare:

  1. Cheese grate.
  2. , melt the butter.
  3. Celery cut and fry in a little butter.
  4. The greens chopped.
  5. Oil and cheese mix, gradually adding the eggs.
  6. Knead the dough until creamy consistency.
  7. Sift flour with baking powder and mix.
  8. In the dough, add the cheese and mix.
  9. Then add the flour and knead the dough.
  10. Add the olives, capers, celery and parsley. Thoroughly mix all.
  11. Put the dough in a baking tin.
  12. Bake for 50 minutes at 180 ° C.

What's for dinner?

rolls with prunes and cheese Prescription Nicky Belotserkovskaya

February 23: draw up a festive menu

It is very simple. Proportions not give, realized themselves, how much of what to take. Instead, take a gentle pancetta bacon or prosciutto - what's in your fridge. Needless to say that the goat cheese can be replaced with any soft? If you do not have fresh rosemary, use toothpicks, what to do ... It is clear that the larger and softer prunes the better?


pitted prunes

young goat cheese





fresh rosemary

olive oil

sea ​​salt

ground black pepper

How to prepare:

  1. Goat cheese mix well with finely chopped chives, add a little olive oil to a creamy consistency, season with salt, pepper.
  2. Sprigs of rosemary as a skewer clean.
  3. pastry bag to fill with cheese. If there is no bag, take a tight plastic bag, tamp it, wrap and then cut the tip.
  4. Squeeze the center of the cheese and prunes invest carefully almonds. Wrapped in pancetta and chop the rosemary sprigs, that they are well secured our rolls.
  5. Pour into a pan of olive oil a little bit, warm up, throw the crushed garlic clove and lightly fried prunes from all sides. Or it is possible to bake for 10 minutes in an oven at 200 ° C.
  6. And now welcomes guests with a glass of the freezer!

Roast chicken with garlic by Savely Libkin

February 23: draw up a festive menu

This dish - definitely Georgian, in Soviet times was called "Chicken tobacco" was one of the most popular dishes of the Odessa public catering. However, anything to do with what is served in Georgia, nor the fact that we are ready, it did not matter. Is that the word "chicken" in the title and garlic in the aftertaste. Adults and plump chickens, despite the large amount of meat for this dish are not suitable. Ideal farm chickens weighing up to 600 grams. Ingredients:

(2 servings)

2 farm chicken weighing 600 g

1, 5 heads of garlic

60 g butter

70 ml of olive oil

2 tbsp. fatty cream spoons

3 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil

1 pod of red hot pepper

5 sprigs of thyme

1 bunch of parsley

1 bunch cilantro

1 hour. The salt spoons

black pepper - to taste

How to prepare:

  1. First, you need to prepare properly chickens. Disembowel them, wash, cut and gut-wrenching for bacon breast forward.
  2. then turn over the chicken back up and take out all the rib bones.
  3. Even presses the chicken several times repulse his flat hoe through the plastic wrap.
  4. Go to the preparation of the marinade. Red hot pepper clean from the seeds and cut into thin rings. Crumble a few sprigs of thyme.
  5. A spoonful of salt, black pepper, red pepper and thyme put into a mortar and ground to a smooth paste.
  6. Then add half the garlic and rub the more intense minutes 5. At the end pour the olive oil. You can use a blender, but in a mortar obtained tastier.
  7. Chicken rub marinade c on both sides. First, over the skin, and then required between the skin and meat. All the marinade is distributed to chickens and covering them with a lid, put in the refrigerator for 4 hours.
  8. In a cast iron frying pan with ribbed bottom a little warm up vegetable oil and butter. Add to it a little black pepper.
  9. Put the chicken in the pan skin side down, on top put a flat cargo. Fry for 10 minutes on medium heat, and then turn over dozharivaem it again under the load.
  10. Cooking chicken tobacco should immediately shift from the pan on a flat dish and the cooking sauce in the oven, preheated to 70 ° C.
  11. formed during frying juice and pour the fat from the pan into a separate bowl.
  12. Half of head of garlic finely chopped and fry over medium heat in a frying pan in which cooked chicken.
  13. Add the garlic to the chicken fat fused with chicken juice and cook 5 minutes,
  14. We add two tablespoons of sour cream and cook another 2 minutes over moderate heat.
  15. Parsley and cilantro finely chop and add to the sauce. Adjust its density of chicken broth. After 5 minutes the sauce for chicken ready.
  16. poured into a separate bowl, took out a dish with chicken and serve all hot.

"Napoleon" on beer from the maestro Selezneva

February 23: draw up a festive menu

If you bake usual "Napoleon", then this you're unlikely to surprise anyone. But the "Napoleon" on the beer - it is something new.


Dough: 660 g flour

250 ml of beer

200 g butter

1 h. Spoon disintegrant

Cream 1 kg custard

500g condensed milk

500 g of cream

Décor: 30 Savoiardi sticks

500 g of white chocolate

1 kg berries

How to prepare:

  1. Sift flour with baking powder and mix.
  2. Knead the dough from flour with butter at room temperature, and beer.
  3. Knead dough until elastic.
  4. then store it in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  5. The finished dough is divided into 12 parts.
  6. Each part of the roll out into a thin layer and cut out the circle with a diameter of 20 cm.
  7. Bake separately all cakes 12 at a temperature of 200 ° C for 10 minutes.
  8. Whisk the custard with cream and condensed milk.
  9. Sandwich turn all cakes with cream, putting them on top of each other.
  10. Also obmazhte cream cake sides and the top of it. Allow the cake to harden and soak for several hours in the refrigerator.
  11. For decorative chocolate melt in a water bath. Dip one flat side of the stick Savoiardi in chocolate. Allow to cool. Decorate the cake with chopsticks.

Other original recipes look in the books "My Odessa cuisine", "Made in Italy. Gastronomic recipes. Book Two, "" Festive cakes. Simple recipes ", published by the Publishing House" Eksmo ".

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