Lara Katsov: Top 5 useful things in the kitchen - video recipes at home

Lara Katsov: Top 5 useful things in the kitchen - video recipes at home
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Lara Katsov: Top 5 useful things in the kitchen - video recipes at home

stand at the stove from day to day, and cooking is no longer happy? And all because you do not know yet what should be in the kitchen, so cooking was again a holiday!

The "Home cooking" has become so popular that all the iconic glossy magazines are dreaming to get Madame Lara Katsov. Now the star of TV channel "Home" and writes for the famous HELLO.RU! In his new column, Lara talks about how to transform the tedious and routine process of cooking in a fun beautiful holiday. The matter of five cute little things!

So, what should be in your kitchen:

1 Set of small wooden planks

Lara Katsov: Top 5 useful things in the kitchen - video recipes at home

We often complain about employment and the frantic pace of life. In the evening in the kitchen for a cup of tea with friends we dream of a trip to nature, a picnic with barbecue and open fire, the smell of the logs in the fireplace. Watch TV shows about cowboys, overseas rural life and ranches. And I look, dream and sigh. And then I thought: "Why should not I make a weekend dinner in a villa-style?"

I went to the store, bought a set of six boards and grab one more. Home baked in the oven a piece of ham, when he was almost ready, right up to him in the pan, I added sausage. On the other lattice below, baked potatoes in their skins, pre-wrapped in each foil. I made vegetable salad and sour cream sauce with dill for garnish. Open a bottle of wine, lit a candle. On the table instead of plates put board for every guest on the big board - ham, sausage and potatoes and salad and sauce lodged in a wooden bowl. The final touch - the disc with music in the style of country music, and voila! Guests pleasantly surprised and fed delicious. Agree, a little "self-deception" is sometimes very useful, and six small boards provide me a good incentive to make the dream about the rest by the fireplace in life.

2. Cooking ring

Lara Katsov: Top 5 useful things in the kitchen - video recipes at home

If you do not just love to cook and amaze your family with new culinary delights, but it is important to you and itself serving dishes, then cooking ring will make a good friend. Of course, you can lay out on a plate rice, buckwheat or mashed potatoes with a spoon. Now imagine your garnish in the form of a perfect circle of a few centimeters in height. Near or on the neatly laid out burger, chicken or steak. All this still life, sprinkle with herbs, side - a few slices of ripe tomato and cucumber strips. BUT? Beauty! so it is possible to lay out salads With ring.

3. Forms for frying eggs

Lara Katsov: Top 5 useful things in the kitchen - video recipes at home

On my box with these molds is written - "Form-flowers". "Scrambled eggs, she scrambled in Africa" ​​- you say and will be absolutely right. And yet, if the children are served for breakfast this dish in the form of daisies, I am absolutely sure that you do not have to persuade cute boys and girls please their parents' empty plate. A mutually agreeable outcome, agree?

4. Templates for cappuccino

Lara Katsov: Top 5 useful things in the kitchen - video recipes at home

Personally, I'm ordering another batch of your favorite drink at a coffee shop, I catch myself thinking that I sit and try to guess what pattern do today to Penke barista. Sun, heart, blob? Just recently a friend gave me a set of templates for cappuccino. Their use was incredibly enjoyable, not only for me but also for my loved ones. Varish coffee, whisking and foam from the top through a template a small amount of cinnamon or chocolate powder deduce inscription Love, draw a rose or a tulip. Carefully you put a cup on the table and see the wonder and the joy in their eyes. Is not a second of happiness?

5. Small plates teabag

Have you ever noticed when meeting guests that tea bag in the cup becomes some inconvenience? We take it out and put in a near standing ashtray or in the used and unmade on the table plate, or, at worst, to his saucer next to the cup. Agree, what hinders a trifle! I saved the little plates that are designed specifically for the occasion. And you enjoy, and guests.

Eat delicious and beautiful! And be happy!

And do not miss the second season of the program "Home cooking!"