Hot sandwiches with egg in the oven - how to make a hot sandwich with egg, sausage and mushrooms, a step by step recipe photos

Wondering what to cook hot sandwiches, preparing the ingredients for them, our imagination goes through a huge number of products, such a large number of subspecies, the beloved dishes there. To prepare hot sandwiches, there are a variety of ways: in a pan, in a microwave, oven, even on the grill as possible. If you cook them creatively and with imagination, it is an unusual main dish will turn a modest snack in a chic and hearty meal. My today's recipe with step by step to make a photo, tell and show how to make an unusual hot sandwiches with soft-boiled egg.


tosterny bread;


Boiled sausage (broad);



ketchup (you can fresh tomato);


Hot sandwiches with egg in the oven - how to make a hot sandwich with egg, sausage and mushrooms, a step by step recipe photos

How to make a hot sandwich with egg, sausage and mushrooms

The right amount of bread and other ingredients is regulated independently, on the basis that one will need two pieces of sandwich bread.

No preparatory work is necessary. Cooking will start with the fact that we form a sandwich.

Put the bread.

Hot sandwiches with egg in the oven - how to make a hot sandwich with egg, sausage and mushrooms, a step by step recipe photos

sausage cut into thin rings and put on top of the bread. A piece of bread to be, in practice, all nestled Varenko.

Hot sandwiches with egg in the oven - how to make a hot sandwich with egg, sausage and mushrooms, a step by step recipe photos

From the second piece of bread cut out the pulp, forming a "window". We laid them on top of the sausage. Fill the wells drop tomato and / or mustard. The number and the desired sharpness adjust themselves.

Hot sandwiches with egg in the oven - how to make a hot sandwich with egg, sausage and mushrooms, a step by step recipe photos

There also, we break the egg. If large eggs, it is better to pre-separate the white from the yolk, add egg yolk into the hole, and the amount of protein can be slightly reduced so as not to flow out. A little salt.

Hot sandwiches with egg in the oven - how to make a hot sandwich with egg, sausage and mushrooms, a step by step recipe photos

For variety, half hot sandwiches are made with mushrooms. To do this, add the eggs instead of fried mushrooms and covers them with grated hard cheese. You can sprinkle the top to be cut greens. But I have today she was not at hand, therefore, cost as is. ????

Sandwiches place on a sheet and bake in oven until light rosy color.

Hot sandwiches with egg in the oven - how to make a hot sandwich with egg, sausage and mushrooms, a step by step recipe photos

As you can see, unusual hot sandwiches with egg, sausage, mushrooms and cheese - is not just satisfying, but also comfortable on the road, beautiful on the table and, most importantly, always delicious!