Simple cake in the microwave in a cup without milk or cocoa - how to make a cake in a cup in the microwave, a step by step recipe photos
Who among us does not love fresh delicious muffins. This time, I made a simple cupcake in a cup with a peanut and vanilla! And if I add that this dessert cooked in just 5 minutes, you just want the recipe. Right? Then I share - my simple and proven recipe for the cake in a microwave oven. Steps taken with a photo showcase cooking.
So, we need:
- chicken egg - 1 pc;
- Sugar 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
- Wheat flour - 2 tbsp. spoons;
- peanuts - 20 grams;
- vanilla essence - 1 drop;
- olive oil (odorless) - for lubrication form;
- marmalade (multicolored) - for decoration;
- sweetened condensed milk - for decoration.
How to cook a cake in a mug in the microwave
To bake our delicious dessert, you must first make the dough. To do this, a small deep bowl mix eggs and sugar. Beat with a fork.
Add flour and vanilla essence. Previously, wheat flour premium sift through a couple of times, saturate with oxygen.
Peanuts peel and add to the other ingredients.
All of the above listed it took two minutes. Now, grease cup olive oil odorless. If you do not have olive oil, then take any vegetable. Transfer basis for the cake in a cup.
To bake until cooked, just enough to send the cup in the microwave for 2-3 minutes. During this time the cake is cooked and increase in volume.
Serve the cake can be directly in a cup garnished with jam and peanut. It looks very appetizing!
You can, remove the cake from the mug, put on a plate and pour the condensed milk. Come out very tasty.
In any case, this simple cupcake in a cup - this is a great addition to tea, which can be done very quickly, even when there is no time at all. In just five minutes you will have a fresh and delicious pastries. Be sure to take a note on this quick recipe for the microwave!