Krakelin for French dessert - how to cook krakelin at home, step by step recipe photos

To prepare one of the most famous French dessert cake Shu, you need to know how to cook crispy coating krakelin for him (craqueline), which means shortcrust pastry. How to do it and what to look for, I'll tell you. My recipe with step by step help to make a photo and you will easily master this little trick of French cuisine.

For krakelina we need:

  • 100 grams of flour (wheat);
  • 100 g of a brown (cane) sugar;
  • 85 grams of cold butter 72, 5%;
  • 1/3 h. Spoon food dye.


How to cook crispy krakelin own hands

In deep posudku sift flour, add brown sugar (you can replace conventional white sugar), cold (!) Butter, cut into pieces and the food coloring of any color.

Krakelin for French dessert - how to cook krakelin at home, step by step recipe photos

very quickly begin to grind between your hands all the collected ingredients and rolls the dough into a ball. I explain why fast. With a slow kneading dough krakelina oil has time to warm up from the heat of the hands and then it (the test) will lose the property to be crispy after otpekaniya. The colder the oil, the whiter will crispy finished product.

Krakelin for French dessert - how to cook krakelin at home, step by step recipe photos

Put the dough between two sheets of parchment and roll out to a thickness of 2, 5-3 mm.

Krakelin for French dessert - how to cook krakelin at home, step by step recipe photos

With pastry cutting cut slices of the desired size to us. They should match the size of the future cakes. Remove the preform in a freezer. Our circles should have a good freeze.

Krakelin for French dessert - how to cook krakelin at home, step by step recipe photos

Ready frozen krakelin spread on cakes before you send them in the oven.

Krakelin for French dessert - how to cook krakelin at home, step by step recipe photos

When otpekaniya it begins to melt and crack on the cake, forming a sweet and crisp.

Krakelin for French dessert - how to cook krakelin at home, step by step recipe photos

Bake with me and you will see that the French dessert is not only delicious, but also easy! ????

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