Denmark: a multi-storey sandwich and drowned in honey salmon - video recipes at home

Denmark: a multi-storey sandwich and drowned in honey salmon - video recipes at home
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Denmark: a multi-storey sandwich and drowned in honey salmon - video recipes at home

In Denmark, 700 varieties of sandwiches. What they just do not!

Norway is not a holiday without the porridge

Rice cream dessert is prepared in every

the house and believe that Christmas is not coming without him.

Polina Borodina

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The Danes, Swedes, Norwegians and Finns word burger sounds differently, but they all understand by it an appetizing slice of bread (usually crisp bread) with butter, covered with some snacks. But most of all, perhaps, like sandwiches in Denmark. Here they will be able to count more than 700 species. Recently, in this country there were even special shops that only sell them.

But the most popular sandwich (especially his love tourists) - "My favorite sandwich of Hans Christian Andersen." It consists of several layers of bacon, tomatoes, liver paste, jelly and white radish. This tall masterpiece impossible bite all at once, so it is eaten, removing layer after layer.

Delicacy in Denmark is salmon, submerged in a clay pot full of honey. Tightly closed pot for several months buried in the ground, where the temperature is kept low. After this, I may say, imprisonment, salmon meat gains a specific aroma and taste that gourmets consider one of the finest in the world. But you can not talk about Denmark without mentioning beer. Besides the fact that it is a lot of drinking, preparing this foamy drink is also excellent. And for a variety of recipes. Moreover, on the basis of beer here we learned to cook a lot of very interesting dishes that nowhere else in the world do not try.


It should be:

1 bottle of lager

1 bottle of dark beer

The crust of lemon and a slice of ginger

1-2 tbsp. spoons of sugar

2 tbsp. tablespoons flour

1 egg

1 egg yolk

Some milk


  1. In the beer to put a crust of lemon and ginger and bring to a boil. 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour diluted in cold milk and add to the soup.
  2. A mixture of sugar and season with salt.
  3. The egg mix with the flour, add a little milk and stir well to avoid lumps, and pour into the soup.
  4. The soup boil for 5 minutes and remove from heat. Egg yolks grind and add the hot soup.