Three of the most simple and delicious dishes of Russian cuisine - video recipes at home

8 products Russian cuisine for foreigners

I come to you friend, partner, or relative of the groom

from abroad? Or are you, going to foreign countries, looking for a gastronomic gift? Or are you just met with foreign fans at the FIFA World Cup and want something to give as a keepsake? We chose the 8 traditional products of our kitchen to entertain, surprise and sometimes frighten foreigners.

Three of the most simple and delicious dishes of Russian cuisine - video recipes at home

Olga Sevastyanov

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Interesting seems to be the case: there is no in Russian cuisine such a huge range of products, such as, say, Greek or Italian, and a variety of delicious dishes - there!

This, probably, and is a feature of the national food culture: from a limited set of products at the ready a mountain of goodies. Let someone they seem not too sophisticated and not at all pretentious, but always appreciated by those who cherish quality natural food. And yet, we, Russian, know how to cook porridge from an ax. And, importantly, very good porridge. And not just a fairy tale. This, you see, not everyone on the shoulder!


(Almost porridge, but still delicious!)

Three of the most simple and delicious dishes of Russian cuisine - video recipes at home


It is necessary: ​​

1, 200 liters of water

100 g of cabbage, carrots, turnips and turnip 1 onion

3/4 cup millet

salt and herbs to taste

How to prepare:

  1. Cleaned root vegetables cook until semi-soft.
  2. Add the cabbage and cook until vegetables are tender.
  3. Ready broth strained and salt and bring to a boil. Cooked vegetables are preserved. 3. In the vegetable broth fall asleep washed grits and cook it until tender.
  4. In the finished soup perekaldyvaem boiled vegetables, add the bay leaf and other spices to taste, insist under the lid for 3-4 minutes and serve.

Cabbage Fritters

(Standing a little away from the established habits, and here it is - a completely new, delicious dish)

Three of the most simple and delicious dishes of Russian cuisine - video recipes at home


It is necessary: ​​

0, 5 kg of cabbage

5 Art. tablespoons flour

2 hours. Spoons breadcrumbs

vegetable oil, salt, spices to taste

How to prepare:

  1. shredded cabbage we shift to the skillet or baking dish and simmer over low heat until soft.
  2. sauerkraut cooled and passed through a meat grinder. Add salt, spices, mix with flour and breadcrumbs.
  3. Fry as usual pancakes on both sides in vegetable oil. Serve with sour cream.

Rural pot roast

Three of the most simple and delicious dishes of Russian cuisine - video recipes at home


It is necessary: ​​

0, 5 kg of beef or pork fillets

4 potatoes

1 carrot

2 onions

2-3 cask pickled cucumber

0, 5 parsley

2 tbsp. tablespoons melted butter

2 cups broth

Salt, black pepper to taste

How to prepare:

  1. meat cut and fried in clarified butter until golden brown.
  2. In the same pan add the diced potatoes and carrots. Continue to roast until the potatoes acquire a golden color. Separately, fry the onion and chopped pickles.
  3. In each pot put the same amount of meat, vegetables, pickles and onions, salt and pepper to taste. Fill hot broth, covered with a lid and simmer in a hot oven for 40-50 minutes.
  4. When serving, sprinkle with chopped parsley.

    Do you want to meet with Russian cuisine closer? Watch our video!