5 recipes for real men - video recipes at home

And if you are looking for, that would be so special to prepare 23 February husband, son, boyfriend (hereinafter - the list), then you will not be disappointed. Unique holiday table and admiring reviews men are guaranteed!

More on the topic: We make a festive menu on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland

Pork chops with apple

5 recipes for real men - video recipes at home

What you need: 300 g pork tenderloin

2 apples

2 carrots

1 tbsp. l. mustard

2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil

1 head of onions

polpuchka green onions

1/4 h. L. curry

salt, ground black pepper - to taste

How to cook pork chops with apples:

1. Onions finely chop. Carrots cut into strips.

5 recipes for real men - video recipes at home

2. Tenderloin cut into three pieces and repel.

5 recipes for real men - video recipes at home

Each piece of meat, sprinkle with spices, mustard, grease and leave to marinate for 5-7 minutes.

3. Apples cut in half, remove the core, cut into thin slices.

5 recipes for real men - video recipes at home

4. The onions and slices of apples in a pan lightly fry in vegetable oil (1 tablespoon).

5 recipes for real men - video recipes at home

5. chops on a separate fry pan in the remaining vegetable oil for 5-7 minutes on each side.

5 recipes for real men - video recipes at home

Add the carrots, fry for another 5 minutes. Add fried apples and onions, 2 tablespoons of water, cover and simmer for 10 minutes.

6. When submitting lay on the plate first, meat, then apples, sprinkle with chopped green onions, garnish with fresh vegetable salad.

5 recipes for real men - video recipes at home

More than hundreds of turn-based recipes festive dishes, which can be prepared easily and in everyday life, look in the new book publishing house "Eksmo", "Secrets of a tasty holiday!"

Fish dumplings with shrimps

5 recipes for real men - video recipes at home

What you need: 300 g of dough for dumplings

400 g of sea fish fillets

18 peeled cooked frozen shrimps (can take conventional)

1 head of onions

4 tbsp. l. butter

salt, ground black pepper - to taste

How to cook fish dumplings with shrimps:

1. Cut the fish fillet and grind using a blender.

2. Bow clean, cut into small cubes, sauté in the tablespoon of oil until golden brown, cool. Connect with minced meat, add 2 tablespoons of softened butter, salt, pepper and stir.

3. Roll out dough to a layer thickness of 4 mm, cut with a round shape or a mug cup. In the center of each circle Put a tablespoon of minced fish and one shrimp Pinch edges. Cook for 30-35 minutes for a couple.

4. Manty serve hot watering remaining melted butter and garnish greens.

If not at hand ready dumpling dough, it can make your own. To do this, 2 cups sifted flour, pour a hill, in the middle, make an indentation. Pour back 1 egg and half a cup of warm salt water. Knead the dough, wrap the foil and let the dough soak for 20-25 minutes


5 recipes for real men - video recipes at home

What you need: 1 chicken

1 head of onions

2 tbsp. l. chopped walnuts

6 tomatoes

3 tbsp. l. dry white wine

2 tbsp. l. butter

1 bunch cilantro

1 bunch of parsley

2 garlic cloves

2 h. L. ground coriander

The salt, ground red pepper - to taste

How to cook chakhokhbili:

1. Onion cut into cubes. 3 tomato mince, chop the remaining slices. 2. Chicken to cut into portions, season with salt and pepper. Lightly fry in butter in a thick-walled well-heated frying pan. Add onion and cook together with hen about 5 minutes, then pour the wine, cover and simmer for 10 minutes.

3. To add the chicken tomato mass, chopped tomatoes, coriander, stir and continue to simmer another 25-30 minutes.

4. Garlic finely chop. Add the garlic to the chicken and nuts, stir and simmer for another 5 minutes.

5. Remove from heat and leave under cover for a few minutes.

6. Serve hot and garnish with greens.

Veal in pots

5 recipes for real men - video recipes at home

What you need: 500 g pulp beef

7 potatoes

2 carrots

1 head of onions

3 tbsp. l. melted butter

1 tbsp. l. wheat flour

3 tbsp. l. tomato paste

parsley polpuchka

2-3 bay leaves

salt, ground black pepper - to taste

How to cook veal in the pot:

1. Onion cut into half rings.

2. veal slice across the grain.

5 recipes for real men - video recipes at home

salt, pepper, zapaniruyte in flour and lightly fry in melted butter. Add the onion and cook for another 5 minutes.

3. Potatoes and carrots cut into cubes.

5 recipes for real men - video recipes at home

4. The prepared meat and vegetables lay in pots, add a little tomato paste, bay leaf, chopped herbs, salt lightly again.

5 recipes for real men - video recipes at home

Fill the water, close the lid and put in the oven to bake at a temperature 170˚S until cooked meat and vegetables for about 40-50 minutes.

5. Serve with meats from fresh vegetables.

turkey with mushrooms in beer sauce

5 recipes for real men - video recipes at home

What you need: 1 turkey drumstick

100 g chantarelle any fungi or by season

200 mL of dark beer

2 carrots

1 tbsp. l. tomato paste

1, 5, Art. chicken broth

quarter dill beam

4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil

2 onions

1 tbsp. l. wheat flour

salt, ground black pepper - to taste

How to cook a turkey with mushrooms in beer sauce:

1. Carefully score the flesh around the shin bone knife, freeing it most, remove seeds and hard dense hryaschiki.

5 recipes for real men - video recipes at home

2. Cut one head of onions and carrots into large cubes, the remaining onion and dill finely chop.

3. Mushrooms cut and fry with chopped onion half vegetable oil 10-15 minutes, salt, cool, add dill.

4. turkey drumstick nafarshiruyte mushrooms base fasten toothpicks.

5 recipes for real men - video recipes at home

5. The grate turkey drumstick salt and pepper, fry in the remaining vegetable oil on all sides. Transfer to another bowl.

6. In the remaining oil from the frying turkey fry onions. Add carrots, tomato paste, flour and fry a little more. Pour the dark beer, soup, add turkey, cover and simmer over a low heat for 1 hour.

5 recipes for real men - video recipes at home

7. Cooked turkey cut into portions, put on a plate and pour this sauce.