Potato Recipe with mushrooms, stewed in a pot

Potato Recipe with mushrooms, stewed in a pot
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Potato Recipe with mushrooms, stewed in a pot

Of these gifts of the forest gets a lot of delicious dishes. For example, mushrooms can be put out with a potato in the pot, which is only one of its kind cause a healthy appetite.

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Potatoes with mushrooms in a pot


10 major potato tubers

500 g of any fungi

1 carrot

medium size tomato

2 onions

100 g of thick cream




How to cook potatoes with mushrooms in a pot:

  1. Potatoes, onions, carrots, clean, clean, dry cloth. Potatoes cut into small cubes. Finely chop the onion and carrots cut into sticks or grate.
  2. If you are using fresh wild mushrooms or mushrooms, remove from them all the garbage, wash, boil in salted water, cut into cubes. Mushroom broth pour, it will be applied as a broth. Dried mushrooms pre-fill with boiling water, let it stand for about 2-3 hours, rinse, chop.
  3. In a hot skillet, pour a little vegetable oil, put the carrots and onions. Tomato and bring to a mushy state with the help of a blender, add to the pan, stir everything, simmered over low heat. Put the mushrooms to the vegetables, fry for 3-5 minutes.
  4. In a separate saucepan, fry until half cooked potatoes. If you use raw root vegetables, they may not have time to prepare, they will remain "wooden".
  5. Take a clean pots, put on the bottom of the potatoes, then a layer of vegetables with mushrooms, potatoes again, each layer is sandwiched dollop of sour cream. Salt, pepper, pour all the mushroom broth, sprinkle with herbs on top, cover with a lid. Put everything in the oven, preheated to 200 ° C for half an hour. The dish turned out not dry, a quarter of an hour sneaky little mushroom broth. Serve in the pot.

potato casseroles Stuffed mushrooms



1 kg potato

100 g of dry fungi

2 eggs

1 dessert spoon of breadcrumbs

1 teaspoon butter

2 small onions

bunch of parsley

250 ml of the fungal broth


How to cook stuffed with mushrooms potatoes in pots:

  1. Potato peel, wash, boil in salted water. Cool, neat cut to the core of the tubers. Forest Fruits, rinse, boil, cool, chop. Bow free from peels cut into cubes, fry in vegetable oil. Egg rinse, boil, cool in cold water, yaytserezku pass through. In a small bowl, combine the prepared foods, sprinkle in breadcrumbs, salt, add the chopped parsley.
  2. Take the potatoes, nafarshiruyte its tasty stuffing th. Put all in pots, pour the mushroom broth, add salt. Capacity close the lid, simmer for about half an hour. Serve in a pot on top of the potatoes, place a piece of butter, sprinkle with dill. To this dish offer a salad of fresh vegetables.

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