How to cook burgers minced chicken - video recipes at home

Homemade burgers - the most delicious, they are ready quickly, and products for their preparation often close at hand.

Chicken cutlets


500 g of minced chicken

100ml milk

3 slices of white bread

1 onion

1 egg

vegetable oil



How to cook chicken cutlets:

  1. For home stuffing does not have to buy only the fillet, you can take any other chicken, but it is required to release from the bones.
  2. The selected simply twist the meat through a meat grinder - stuffing is ready. Soak in milk flesh of white bread as soon as it swells, wring it out and add the minced chicken.
  3. Clean the onion, rub on a fine grater, add the minced meat with egg. Salt and pepper, mix thoroughly all ingredients mince best mixed.
  4. Wet your hands in water, minced meat patties shape of medium size. Red-hot frying pan, pour vegetable oil on it and place it on the chops.
  5. Fry until golden brown, then flip the burgers on the other side, and sauté until the same state.

Chicken cutlets stuffed with


1 kg minced chicken

300 g cheese

2 onions

1 egg breadcrumbs



vegetable oil

How to cook chicken cutlets with a stuffing:

  1. Rub the onion on a fine grater, add together with an egg in the chicken mince, salt and pepper to taste.
  2. Rub cheese on a grater - it's filling. Minced shape cake, lay in the middle of a small amount of grated cheese.
  3. Wrap the edges of the cake to form a cutlet. When modeling cutlets be careful - all the cheese must be "captured" inside the meat, or frying cheese is poured onto the hot oil, which immediately begins to spray out in all directions.
  4. Every hamburger roll on all sides in the breadcrumbs. Roast the chicken cutlets with a stuffing on a hot vegetable oil until cooked on both sides.
  5. These cutlets can use any vegetables or green peas.

cutlets can be prepared not only in the pan, but also in the oven. To many housewives it is even easier - blind cutlets, lightly fried until crisp, remove it in the oven and to pinpoint the right time.

Chicken cutlets in the oven


600 g minced chicken

200 ml water

3 potatoes

1 onion

1 egg

4 tbsp. sour cream

1 tbsp. Spoon tomato paste salt



How to cook chicken cutlets in the oven:

  1. Peel the onions and potatoes, cut into medium-sized pieces, the better to mince.
  2. Then lay out the potatoes and onions into a blender, add the egg, salt, pepper and whisk this mixture.
  3. to get an array resembling dough for pancakes. Now send the potato mixture into the chicken mince, mix well.
  4. Form small patties, fry over high heat on both sides until not ready. Mix sour cream with tomato paste, add water, sugar and a little salt.
  5. Put the cutlets in a deep frying pan or refractory form for baking, pour this sauce.
  6. Bake for about 7-10 minutes in an oven pre-heated to 180 ° C.

Cutlets from minced chicken perfectly suited to the different side dishes - fried potatoes, mashed potatoes, pasta, buckwheat porridge, boiled rice. They can be fed with vegetable salads, with the look ordinary chicken burgers are exquisite, like a dish from a restaurant.