Chocolate figures: how to make their own hands - video recipes at home

With some skill everyone's strength to make a figure of chocolate, you only need to stock up on all the necessary materials and tools. This is not only interesting to do, which can attract and children, but also an opportunity to show imagination and experiment. Simple chocolate figures are obtained from the first half.

Tools Required

Needed for its production molds - any of which can find and chocolate, dark, milk or white, and you can use all sorts. Useful for confectionary parchment and corrugated cardboard can be used in food coloring. preparing a number of ways, and everyone can choose the most suitable.

Step One: melt the chocolate

If the form is deep, it may take more than one bar of chocolate, but two or even three. Stoke him in a water bath, or in the microwave, but the water bath is definitely more convenient, because in the process of mass should be mixed, it is difficult to carry out in the furnace. Need to melt refractory container and the furnace includes at half power. melting time depends on the number of chocolate are melted approximately 30-50 minutes c.

For waterbath tile pulverized and placed in a small pot or ladle, and the capacity size is filled with water more. It is put on a slow fire and wait for the boil, then removed from heat and only then put in a hot water container with chocolate to melt. Once the chocolate has melted, it is necessary to start agitation to mass is sintered and melted evenly. Dark chocolate melted at 55 ° C, and the white and milk - even at 45 ° C. Chocolate is not recommended to leave a boiling water bath, as it can brew. Step Two: Fill in the form

Molds at the time of casting to be prepared, it is better to purchase a specially adapted silicone, but for the first experiments and fit plastic or aluminum. They should be to thoroughly wash and dry, and only then can be poured chocolate. At the time of working with molten mass, the temperature should be slightly below the temperature of a healthy person. After filling in the forms lightly tapped to drive all the bubbles, it helps even distribution. Forms for solidification put in the refrigerator, it takes 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the dimensions of the mold. They were turned over and removed by tapping on the bottom of the figures ready.

If it is assumed manufacture openwork figures, requires the use of stencils and confectionery syringe. Melted chocolate in a syringe and by drawing on the finished stencil. Openwork parts attached to each other also by means of chocolate, lubricating brush parts and holding to each other. This is done on the foil, parchment or a silicone mat, with these surfaces delicate chocolate can be easily removed without damage, and plans to move into place.