Recipes for mustard from seeds - video recipes at home

Grainy Mustard Olive


100 g of mustard seed

20g sugar

1 g of sweet pepper Goroshkova

1 gram of black pepper

50 g of olive oil

250 ml of boiling water

20 g of garlic

50 g shallot

2 bay leaves

250 ml of dry white wine

little vegetable oil

How to prepare Provencal grainy mustard:

  1. The bulk is ground mustard seed in a special mortar and pestle to a powder consistency - thus one should stand oil, from which will depend on the flavor and taste of the mustard future.
  2. The mustard weight add 1/4 of the sugar, black pepper and salt, and then all the ingredients pour boiling water and wait 20 minutes the liquid is completely absorbed.
  3. Then, the weight of 20 g of vegetable oil, all thoroughly mixed and put into a container of mustard and dark warm place for 4 days.
  4. The next step is the preparation of various sauces with homemade mustard finished. Olive oil fried shallots, garlic cloves, pepper Goroshkova and bay leaf, then poured their white wine and evaporated to half the original volume.
  5. After that, the sauce cooled, strained and mixed with 50 grams of prepared mustard and drink with fish.

Apple mustard - a proven recipe home. Watch the video! ..

Mustard with honey


1, 5 cups of mustard seed

1 tbsp. spoon of sugar

1/2 h. Vinegar

1 h. Spoon liquid honey

1 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil

cucumber pickle

1 h. Teaspoon salt

spices and herbs to taste

For the sauce:

250 ml of 33% cream misfit

40 g of olive oil

3 egg yolk

50 ml of vinegar

20 mL chicken broth

40 g of brown beans and mustard yellow

How to cook with honey mustard:

  1. Part mustard seeds is ground in a mortar and poured cucumber brine stirring until a homogeneous mass consistence resembling thick cream.
  2. then added to a future mustard vinegar, vegetable oil, honey, salt, and sugar, all mixed until a homogeneous mass again added to the remaining grain mustard and stirred.
  3. prepared mustard put in a jar, sealed it, and put a few hours in a warm place. For preparing cream sauce is heated to boiling and mixed with a mixture of egg yolks, triturated with chicken bouillon and salt, and then continue to simmer the sauce for 2-3 minutes with continuous stirring.
  4. When the mixture thickens, add to it 1 tbsp. spoon of prepared mustard and drink with white meat. To prepare the sauce, French grain mustard colored pour wine vinegar, mixed with olive oil and sugar and leave for half an hour before the swelling granules.
  5. Then the sauce is placed on the fire, boil for 10 minutes, then mixed with a tablespoon of prepared mustard, removed from the heat and is fed with meat dishes.