Tomato soup gazpacho or a recipe for Halloween: a non-alcoholic drink tomato "Blood of Dracula" (with photos)
Spanish tomato soup gazpacho soup is so amazing that the night before All Saints' Day, in recipes festive dishes for Halloween, he miraculously turns into a soft drink tomato with a terrible name of "Blood of Dracula". In general, the Spanish tomato soup gazpacho - cold soup, but at a party on Halloween will serve it slightly warmed, it's not tomato juice, and "Blood of Dracula".
To prepare this magical Spanish cold tomato soup, we need:
tomatoes - 2 large, tomato juice - 150 ml, Tabasco sauce (can be any other hot sauce) - 1/2 teaspoon basil leaves - 50 c, olive oil - 50 grams, salt - to taste.
How to cook soup Gazpacho, t. E. Non-alcoholic drink on Halloween. ???? To make the soup Gazpacho tomato (recipe classic), put in a blender chopped tomato slices, hot sauce, salt, tomato juice and grind everything until smooth. Spanish cold tomato soup gazpacho ready.
Tomato soup can bring to the table by adding olive oil in a bowl with crackers, finely slicing cucumbers with fresh basil leaves.
But if we prepare a soft drink on Halloween, then it will have a little more trouble. But fear not, it will take more time than the preparation of the soup Gazpacho. Heat the tomato soup over low heat and poured into glasses, pouring olive oil on top and garnish with basil leaflets.