Eggs in Chinese or "scary" snacks on Halloween recipe: "Rotten eggs marble"

This "terrible" snack for Halloween in Chinese is considered a common dish. Dish, which we want to offer you to cook as a cold snack on Halloween is called not only the eggs in Chinese, but still: marble eggs, spicy eggs or eggs in soy sauce. All trade names other than "rotten eggs", very closely match the final dish.

How to cook eggs in Chinese? It's very simple. Here is the prescription.

The right amount of eggs cook hard-boiled.

Take out of the pan and allowing to cool slightly break the shell, as it were, making out of it mesh. You can do this a knock on the egg with a spoon, a knife or rolling the egg in your hands or in the table.

Now, prepare a tea or spicy soy marinade. For the marinade, we need:

Soy sauce - 2 tablespoons Black Tea - 2 pouch or 2 tablespoons sheet welding, cinnamon, - 1 stick or 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon, star anise - 2-3 sprockets, tangerine peel 1, G - 1 tsp. In a saucepan, pour over enough water so that it covered all the eggs and bring to a boil. Adding all of the above spices and simmer for 1, 5-2 hours. After this time, our "beaten" omit eggs in spicy soy marinade tea, giving a boil, remove from heat and leave eggs "marinate" in the pan for 10-12 hours.

Eggs in Chinese or

Now, our eggs in Chinese or marble eggs, spicy eggs or eggs in soy sauce is finally ready. We take out of the marinade, clean and try.

Eggs in Chinese or Eggs in Chinese or

If you include cooked in Chinese eggs in a list of your recipes for Halloween, then wear your "worst" dish on the holiday table.

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