Tasty first courses, cooking and recipes with photos of the first dishes: festive and simple, every day
First course - a liquid food much of which is broth based on all sorts of vegetables, meat, mushrooms, fish, cereals and even fruit and vegetables ... Prepare them for water, milk, whey, brine ... As a rule, the first dish is served hot and prevalent they in the national cuisines of the world. About their popularity speaks eloquently of the fact that the copyright in many recipes, some countries challenged today.
At the beginning of his birth the first dish called just chowder and only much later were soups, borscht, soups, hash, rassolnik, beetroot, gazpacho ... and other varieties.
I must say that the first courses, as well as snacks can be both cold and hot. Today they are practically in all countries are a mandatory part of your daily diet and eaten dinner first. At the same time, and rarely a holiday or New Year menu without them. Holiday function is identical to the first dish of hot snacks - to reduce the absorption of alcohol, and not be satisfied, even more to sharpen the appetite of guests. In soups for every day quite a different function - to saturate the consumer, to fill his stomach, thereby reducing appetite. A brief history of the first courses in this is over, we suggest moving on to delicious and simple recipes and practice to study the preparation of the first dishes.