What day begins Orthodox Easter - the date of Easter in 2016

The number by which pripadet Easter in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus is changing every year, but this date can be found in advance. At present, 2016, the great feast of Easter falls on the first day of May. Orthodox and Greek Catholics celebrate this holiday in one day. Most often, the Orthodox Easter does not coincide with the Catholic. Weekend at Easters usually last for three days.

Why everyone wants to know the date in advance of the holiday? The fact that Easter is necessary, how to prepare. It is as serious about preparing the body and mind. From March 14 to April 30 last Lent in 2016. It should adhere to in order to purify his soul, mind and body. Orthodox position is quite strict, but it is quite possible to survive even an inexperienced person. The main thing is to understand why this is done.

What day begins Orthodox Easter - the date of Easter in 2016

Know what day Orthodox Easter in 2016 and need to have time to thoroughly clean the house, cook a celebratory cake with raisins, eggs and paint consider delicious festive menu, go to church. In many families, preparation for Easter is an interesting ritual in which each member takes part, and even small children. The festive day Easters, finally, you can enjoy tasty treats after a long abstinence.