Delicious stuffed with minced meat, rice and tomato sauce - how to cook cabbage rolls in multivarka, step by step recipe with photos.

Today on our menu - stuffed with meat and rice. Small, beautiful, fragrant, with crumbly rice. Cook them in multivarka I will, but I must say that what's cooking, it does not matter. Correctly stranded handsome golbchiki tasty brew can be in a normal pan. Just follow the tips that I will present in this recipe. Incrementally captured photos complement the foregoing.

Cooking cabbage begins with the fact that we choose the right cabbage. It should be beautiful, with whole sheets and rigid. Stuffing can take any. If you want to cook fatty and nourishing, it is better to take the ground pork. A chicken, fast and suitable for preparing the children's menu.


Delicious stuffed with minced meat, rice and tomato sauce - how to cook cabbage rolls in multivarka, step by step recipe with photos.

500g minced meat;

1 cup of rice;

2 onions;



salt pepper;


How to make cabbage rolls

First you need to prepare the stuffing. Boil the rice, add the minced meat, salt.

Delicious stuffed with minced meat, rice and tomato sauce - how to cook cabbage rolls in multivarka, step by step recipe with photos.

Onions clean, finely crumble. Part of the ship to zazharku, the rest in the filling of rice and meat.

Delicious stuffed with minced meat, rice and tomato sauce - how to cook cabbage rolls in multivarka, step by step recipe with photos.

combine grind carrots or grated. Fry onions, add tomato, salt / pepper.

Delicious stuffed with minced meat, rice and tomato sauce - how to cook cabbage rolls in multivarka, step by step recipe with photos.

How to prepare cabbage for cabbage

Cabbage omitted in boiling water.

Delicious stuffed with minced meat, rice and tomato sauce - how to cook cabbage rolls in multivarka, step by step recipe with photos.

leaves are steamed and gradually gently confiscate.

Delicious stuffed with minced meat, rice and tomato sauce - how to cook cabbage rolls in multivarka, step by step recipe with photos.

to emerge in a separate bowl. When all leaves are separated, each sheet laid separately on the board, cut rigid sredinku and depending on the size of the sheet is divided by two, three or four parts.

Delicious stuffed with minced meat, rice and tomato sauce - how to cook cabbage rolls in multivarka, step by step recipe with photos.

Next, stuffed with every bit of stuffing, stuffed cabbage and form a tightly laid in a bowl or pan.

Delicious stuffed with minced meat, rice and tomato sauce - how to cook cabbage rolls in multivarka, step by step recipe with photos.

How to cook cabbage rolls

Filled container stuffed cabbage cover zazharki

Delicious stuffed with minced meat, rice and tomato sauce - how to cook cabbage rolls in multivarka, step by step recipe with photos.

and fill with water.

Delicious stuffed with minced meat, rice and tomato sauce - how to cook cabbage rolls in multivarka, step by step recipe with photos.

When cooking in multivarka, water should cover the topsheet. When cooking in a pan, the water should rise above them by 3-4 cm. Once more we try to salt. Set extinguishing function.

Delicious stuffed with minced meat, rice and tomato sauce - how to cook cabbage rolls in multivarka, step by step recipe with photos.

If you cook on a standard plate, then simmer on a feeble fire in a pan until cooked rice. How to cook? At least 30 minutes. But in fact it is a matter of taste. We, for example, love and even a little crisp crunchy cabbage rolls - this is the minimum cooking time. And many people love with the soft and boiled rice. In this case, cook a little longer.

Delicious stuffed with minced meat, rice and tomato sauce - how to cook cabbage rolls in multivarka, step by step recipe with photos.

Stuffed delicious hot, but still, it is better to let them at least 30-40 minutes after the termination of cooking. During this time the rice is still swell and soaked flavors. This distinctive dish of simple products is a separate side dish and delicious hot snack.